
jmalone's Letters

A Switch from Sad to Happy

A Letter to a Stranger Who Changed My Life
They say that life is what you make it and I believe this to be true
No matter how hard you search or how hard you try
It all comes back to how you choose to live

Year after year I always want more
Never content and never happy
All because of how I make it seem and not how it really is

One moment in…read more

An Eye Into the World

A Poem about the addicting terrible thing called a cell phone.

That mesmerizing screen of all who carry
Affects not just one but many
Will we give it all up to look at a screen
And not to look around and what can be seen

Can we talk to other people
Can we dress to impress
Can we drive undistracted
Can we read a book…read more

My Own Ever After

I can come from anywhere I want,
No matter what they say.
My story lives within me,
Every page and every chapter happens every day,
And so I have a lot to say.

Something new can happen every day,
But what it is I cannot say,
It can be good,
Or it can be sad,
It can be happy,
Or it can be sad.

The past is…read more

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