  • jjoshua submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023 4 months, 4 weeks ago

    Queridas Madres

    Wow! You’re a mom now, and you’re 18 years old. Who would have thought that?

    You just left high school and now you’re getting ready to be a mom. How is that even possible?

    When you’re in high school, you have dreams of who you want to become as an adult. Being a mother at 18 wasn’t the plan.

    July 30, 1994, your first son was born. February 15, 2002, your second son was born. Two sons and they are both great bundles of joy.

    The day comes and your son decided to get married. He gets engaged and you’re so happy for him. Celebrating your child being engaged is totally different than actually seeing them get married.

    Your son planned a wedding for May 2024, and decided last minute that he will have a small ceremony in City Hall beforehand. He calls to tell you he is getting married a little early.

    Wow! Is this really happening? Your son is getting married. Your baby. He’s getting married in 2023. Right now? Today? No way!

    Watching your child grow for 25 years and then seeing him carry his dresser out into a moving truck to go on his own. The tears roll down your face. You wipe it with pride. You’re okay.

    The day comes and now he is walking down the aisle of City Hall to get married. The tears start to roll down your face again. Your son growing from a baby to a man in front of you daily, is the best feeling ever. Tears of joy is inevitable.

    He holds his soon to be wife’s hand, and begins to say his vows. You’re looking and saying to yourself, “this is it; He’s all grown up. He is not a baby anymore. How?”

    He looks at her and says “I do”. Tears roll down again. It’s all joy!

    He’s married. He’s a man. He’s on his own.
    It’s now Mr. & Mrs. This is the best day of my year.

    You have nothing to worry about because he’s an amazing man, mature, loveable, ambitious, and resilient. Maybe you can put the mom
    guard down just a tiny bit. Relax your shoulders. Release!

    Moms, I want you to know that motherhood is ups and downs. It’s not always going to be oxtails smothered in gravy with rice and beans. But it will be delicious. Just make sure you have a tall glass of liquid to wash it down with.

    He’s married. He’s happy. He’s smiling.

    One of the biggest joys ever. I love you!

    This is the best day ever! Congratulations Mr. & Mrs.

    Janet Joshua

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends December 4, 2024 12:00am

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    • Janet, I am literally crying reading your piece. Congrats to you and your son on your son’s wedding! You are such a warm, and loving person and mom. Your son is so lucky that you were his mom. I know he is definitely ready for this next chapter of his life. Thank you for sharing this beautiful and heartfelt piece.<3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much Lauren. I’m so happy that I touched you. You created this path for us. I’m so happy to be able to use it. I love my sons so much. Thank you so much for your comment.

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