
jessenb90gmailcom's Letters

Peace from destruction

I climb to the cliff’s edge
And peer into the rocky waters
“No, I can’t do that,”
A cotton blanket embraces me
Wrapping me up safely in warmth
The blanket leads me to a chiminea
I watch flames transform into fiery girls dancing with one another
Happily round and around
Then, they look at me, exit their stage, and draw a circle of flam…read more

A soak and a sanctuary

Steam rises from the porcelain
I take a deep breath and submerge

Water envelops me
Cleansing my pores
Massaging my thighs

A flood of calm seeps into my mind
Dissolving my worries
Sanctifying my psyche
Giving birth to myself

The hot spring arrives
I am surrounded by pines and snow fall
I exhale

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