
janettesegura's Letters

Dear Yoshi, life is beautifully painful

Dear Yoshi,

I remember that that’s what you loved to be called. You had that little green dinosaur plushie everywhere you went. The good news: you still have that plushie, though you have a different nickname now. You go by Joon instead.
The bad news: the one who gifted you the plushie has now said a sudden goodbye.

Before you go ahead and think…

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Janette Segura

Dear Yoshi, life is beautifully painful

Dear Yoshi,

I remember that that’s what you loved to be called. You had that little green dinosaur plushie everywhere you went. The good news: you still have that plushie, though you have a different nickname now. You go by Joon instead.
The bad news: the one who gifted you the plushie has now said a sudden goodbye.

Before you go ahead and think…read more

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