

  • Yes! Just keep Swimming Bianca! I’m so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You are so strong to take on the role of being a surrogate parent as well as working and going to school. You are so strong and determined, but now that you’re older I hope you’re doing your best to have fun and feed your inner child. You deserve it, to really get to be a kid even if its just for an hour! Thank you so much for sharing and I wish you the best for your Bar Exam results!!! 😀

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  • William I love your letter. It’s very well written with a lot fo detail and I think a lot of people can learn from it. It reminds us of the duality of life and that we can always find the good and bad in our situations which is why perspective is so powerful. I’m currently in a tough situation but the lessons in it will pay off forever. This is very encouraging I’m not lying when I say, I’ve read it 3 times. I love the strength of the lessons of flexibility, duality, and acceptance its really inspiring. Thank you!

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    • Hi Jael!!

      Thank you so much for the note. I am very sorry to hear that you’re in a tough situation.
      But, I’m so so happy that this letter helped you in some way. I actually need to read it every now-and-again too. I’ve found that dealing with tough situations or healing isn’t a linear process. Just because I learn a lesson or find a coping…read more

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  • Telina I love your name its so unique! Also I love how your first paragraph is full of so many life lessons in just a few words. Learning that we don;t need to be accepted by society to be happy, that we don’t need to worry ourselves about what others think of us. I resonate with these so very heavily, especially the masking and people-pleasing. It took me a long time to grasp that the world needed me, to be honest, and take care of myself rather than trying to please others. Thank you so much for sharing your story and reminding me of how far I’ve come!

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  • I have to agree with Lauren! The process is not a punishment is something I’ll be repeating every single day. Often I find myself rushing around for the future instead of just taking a moment for myself and remembering that being still is okay and that it doesn’t mean I’m being punished or that I’m not making progress. Thank you so much for sharing your letter to your younger self!!

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  • Bk I LOVE how you’re immediately like “identify your toxic traits”. That is such good advice! I’m striving to be the best version of myself as well and I’m super excited to be reading about your journey. I feel like you’re speaking directly to me! I’ve struggled with depressive thoughts in the past as well (( years + of depression) and the best thing my counselor ever told me was to counsel out the negative thoughts with the positive truth. I went from saying I’m terrible at this so I’m improving on this it won’t come overnight! I hope that helps as much as it’s helped me and I hope you continue to share your story with others along your journey!

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  • Hi Jacey! I love how you encourage your younger self to take the help of others but to also take risks. Hitting rock bottom can be so scary and for a long time, I let it cripple me. It wasn’t until I realized that I could create from nothing no matter the situation I got into. Thank you for reminding me to follow my dreams without fear during a time when I’m not feeling so sure. I hope you share with us again soon!

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  • Congratulations to you for all of your accomplishments! You truly have a unique story that so many people can learn from. I hope you continue to amplify your voice! I hope you always remember how strong you are and how far you’ve come against all odds. It truly takes a strong mindset to keep going despite what society says you are. I’m so proud of you for pushing yourself and not allowing society to put a label on you! I hope we hear from you again soon!

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  • Donna thank you so much for your service and thank you so much for sharing how losing your baby sister affected you(and my deepest condolences). I don’t think it’s often that we get to hear the perspective of loss from the child’s point of view and that says a lot. Thank you for sharing that with us! You are so strong and I hope that we’ll hear more of your journey and the adventures you’ve had helping others during your service!

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    • Thank you for your support!! I shared this story in hopes to reach someone who may have been in or are currently going through it, and let them know that there are people out there that they can talk to. And you diffidently will hear more in the future, as I continue to grow in my career and be inspired by those around me (those who do and dont…read more

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  • Jim I was so clumsy in high school (even in basketball). It made me so worried I’d do something embarrassing that I was so serious and didn’t get to have the fun that I wanted. Somewhere along the way, I realized the worst anyone could do was laugh at me so I started finding what I thought embarrassing funny. It helped me relax a lot and realize that everyone is actually in their own little world just like me. I hope that helps you come out of your shell even more!

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    • Hi Jael. Nice to meet you. Thank you for the kind words too. Funny thing is on the basketball court and on the baseball field was where I was the most comfortable. And I wasn’t brutally shy, it was only around situation that I wasn’t familiar with. If I was around people in my comfort zone I wasn’t as shy. The unknown was what got to me. that’…read more

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  • Melynda you are so strong! Our family is where we’re supposed to feel safe and overcoming something like that is so powerful. I’m so happy that you survived that stroke to be here with us today. You are so right when you tell your younger self that people are in their own worlds. Everyone is a main character in their story and sometimes no one sees what we’re going through. I’m so happy to be reading your story and learning from every strong individual. Forming a strong mindset is so important and I know you’re baby is going to be so strong having a mother like you! <3

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  • Mariah! You are so strong, talented and inspiring. Some of our hardest lessons to learn is letting go. To believe what we see the first time instead of hurting our selves by holding on too long. I’m so happy to hear all of the things you’re doing to learn yourself and channel your energy into different physical activities. My Thai is absolutely amazing. I started jujitsu last year and I’ve had to take a few months off after a car accident. It’s so exciting to hear that you’ve been able to overcome so much. I also am growing my own small business and I would LOVE to here more about your journey. Hopefully you’ll be sharing with us again soon.

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  • Denise you better preach! “neither your parents nor the education system prepared you for a single real life thing.” When I entered the real world I was absolutely shocked. Most parents try to give their best, from the knowledge they’ve acquired but the world is constantly changing. The school system….well we get what we pay for right? (If emotional intelligence and financial literacy were classes I’m sure we’d all be better off…) Despite all the things wrong with our system and the things you thought you should know you endured it all and came out stronger and so wise. You were able to become your own hero instead of crippling under the pressure and I’m so proud of you for it!

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    • The system should be more concerned with arming us with knowledge, real life knowledge. The world could evolve a hundred times but if we had the mental capacity to process & heal & accept that we deserve peaceful lives- we would be thriving & actually living. Thank you so much!

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  • Abi thank you for sharing such a sensitive letter with us. As someone who has struggled with severe depression and didn’t finish college (I dropped out my junior year to focus on my mental health)this is very inspiring. For a long time I wanted my life to end and I blamed my inner child…beginning to treat her like everyone else did instead of being there for her. I’m so proud of you for seeing your dreams through despite the issues you were having. Thank you for being here to share with us today. Thank you for giving me the encouragement I need to focus on finishing what I started!

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  • Madi I love how well written your letter is! You knock out some major life lessons right away and I love how you write it. Romanticizing how to love yourself and discovering what’s at your core is the quickest way to loving yourself in my opinion. Then how you know into breaking down the fears that are illusions created through behaviors and ideas you’d learned from your parents. You get so deep into yourself so quickly without it being overwhelming and I love it! You are absolutely right. The best thing yo I can do for yourself is understand yo hand validate your own ideas, opinions feelings and experiences. Last but definitely not least I love you how say the world will wait for you. Sometimes it feels like the world is moving on but I love this perspective and I think it’s a great idea to have for a strong mindset. Thank you for these strong reminders. <3

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    • Thank you 🙂 I am so glad you felt all of the things I wanted to express! I hope to share these kinds of messages with the youth, because truly, imagine how different life would be! <3

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  • Amber this is such a thought-invoking poem! I love the depth of it and how you really paint a picture of your feelings with your words. I think a hard lesson we all experience (on different levels is) that people are supposed to come and go in our life. Some longer than others and some in the worst ways. Overcoming abandonment is something that I’m still working on. Know you aren’t alone in your deepest feelings. I’m so happy to know that you’re healing and evolving. Your poem was exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you <3

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  • You are so remarkable! Sometimes we wonder why we don’t fit in and we have to realize its because we’re meant to stand out 😀 It’s something I struggled with for a long time. I’m still learning how to use it to my advantage. I feel like you just gave me a major pep talk it was definitely needed! You truly are unstoppable and I”m glad that you continued to push for your career goals even after an unexpected pregnancy. That takes true determination! And I would love to support your small business if that’s okay with you! 😀

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  • Makayla I’m so happy for you! Your way with words feels so original. (a future wordsmith. I absolutely love it!) I can hear your personality and voice in your writing. LOL I wish I had a friend like you in school. I would have read your warrior series front to back! I’m so proud of you and your accomplishments. Hopefully we’ll get to read more of your wonderful creations in the future! Keep up the good work 😀

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  • Ky, your story is so deep! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your determination to move forward in your life despite the adversities you’ve faced. It’s not our fault we experienced trauma but it’s our responsibility to do our best to not let it define us. You are so strong and it takes a lot of vulnerability to share a story like yours. You have an unstoppable passion. As someone, who struggled with severe depression and anxiety in the past and now PTSD I resonate a lot with your story. I also have talents surrounding writing and sometimes I forget that there are other people like me. You have a spark that will carry you a long way! Keep it up! You’re such a harder worker. Don’t worry about the fame, the recognition will come the more you get to your core<3

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  • Oh my goodness….I’m so proud of you. It’s so necessary that we love ourselves to the best of our abilities. Especially when our community has struggled with identity for so long. I LOVE how when I read your letter I could hear your voice and personality. It’s so nice to read a letter from another entrepreneur. I’m super excited about your success and growth. I’ll take this as a major pep talk as I continue to love myself entirely and build on my business skills. I’m so proud of you for accepting yourself for how you are and understanding the importance of people showing you they love and support you rather than just believing what they say. My favorite reminder is that people that PUT you in the position to thrive rather than only rooting for you are the best people to keep around because they truly want to see you shine and grow. I’m looking forward to hearing more from you soon!

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    • Jael thank you for taking time to read and respond to my letter. I love that you too are an entrepreneur as well please tell me more about your business!
      It really is a beautiful thing when you get to know yourself. Only then are you able to help others. I look forward to connecting with you more and I appreciate your words of encouragement more…read more

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  • 17 year old me could really benefit from reading this letter. When you come from a certain background growing up can seem like your only way out of certain situations. However, remembering that growing up comes with loved ones passing on is not something we talk about enough. One of my favorite things to do with my grandmother was go to family dinners and family reunions. Enjoying the time we have together is so necessary and I offer you my best for you loved ones that have past. I’m so happy to hear that you’re proud of yourself and the person your continuing to become. I think in the grand spectrum of things that being proud of yourself is a huge win! Often I find people more worried about impressing others or having their family be proud of them and though everyone doesn’t get to experience that kind of joy its beautiful knowing that you make yourself proud. You can go so far with that! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

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