  • Amber Sanchez shared a letter in the Group logo of A letter to my younger selfA letter to my younger self group 1 years, 7 months ago

    A younger me called out in the darkness

    A closet full of skeletons

    I’ve got them by the hanger

    Do you wish to see my morgue?

    Come close 

    The stench will drive you away

    My mind’s dark crevices whisper incessantly 

    “Unlovable” they hiss

    Insistent I stay silent to abuse because 

    I deserve it

    I’m sitting in a red sofa chair

    My therapist eyes directed at mine; concerned

    “People don’t stay” I say

    She responds, “Why do you believe that?”

    “Because no one ever has”

    The skeletons live in my head 

    My brain tries on a new one each day

    A different tactic to keep me trapped within myself

    Are you sure you want to see?

    This dark space in my mind is even locked from me

    To my younger self:

    Yes, I want to see

    I want to know every part

    Hug each one bone by bone

    And love you

    Take off the hood from the grim reaper you call your past

    And you’ll find a little girl that has only ever wanted to be loved.

    Don’t be scared 

    make eye contact

    Do you see her?

    You are the same

    I want to embrace your pain

    And tell you its beautiful 

    Because you are loved

    By me

    Your bumps and bruises

    Are not things to be ashamed of

    You are a mosaic full of stories

    People are too scared to even think to be a part of 

    You have done more than survive

    The little light in you has thrived

    In the darkness, when no one knew

    You graduated

    You found a job

    You found a home

    Imperfection has blossomed you 

    Into something beautifully impermanent

    A never ending sculpture

    That you get to mold

    Your mind is your own

    And yes you will make mistakes

    Blotches in your canvas will appear

    And make your life that much more clear

    That blotch of paint

    The drop you accidentally let leave your brush

    Turned into a scenery 

    One beyond your wildest dreams

    A map that is guiding you

    To becoming your best self

    I know life is full of unknowns


    Moments of loneliness


    But there is also





    Don’t be afraid

    For these are the stepping stones 

    That bring you home

    To yourself

    And I’ll be with you every step of the way


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    • What wonderful work! Congratulations on achieving it. Let’s be friends! Our experiences differ but the feeling of being alone, of not connecting with others… it is the same. Isolation, the sense of being the only one experiencing it is so common to us and to others here. So rare to speak o it, to put it out in the open, o take the risk.

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    • Amber what a sweet poem to your younger self. I want to give you and your younger self a hug. You now our part of The Unsealed family, and you are loved. You beautiful and your are strong. So proud of your strength. It takes courage to face your past but not allow to be your present. You have so much to love and so much to be proud of. <3 Lauren

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    • Amber this poem is magnificent. Younger you would be so proud of the person you are today. Your letter is so inspiring because a lot of us go through dark paths in the past where it is very hard to find the light to get out of that darkness. I’m glad that she found your light and that you motivating other people to find their light.

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    • Amber this is such a thought-invoking poem! I love the depth of it and how you really paint a picture of your feelings with your words. I think a hard lesson we all experience (on different levels is) that people are supposed to come and go in our life. Some longer than others and some in the worst ways. Overcoming abandonment is something that I’m still working on. Know you aren’t alone in your deepest feelings. I’m so happy to know that you’re healing and evolving. Your poem was exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you <3

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