  • On the same page

    I know you’re listening
    I know you are there
    I know that you’re hiding,
    but I can see you in the reflection on my screen as I write this down,
    as the tears fall down your cheeks.
    This year was painful wasn’t it,
    this year broke you didn’t it,
    this year things got out of your hands, didn’t they?
    You broke up with friends, with your sister, and with a mother who you wished have cared,
    this year you healed,
    not fully,
    but you did what you could to an extent,
    and now you ask yourself “what’s next, what is it that’s coming your way”,
    2022 was a year of tribulations that proved that you can,
    that you are capable of overcoming obstacles, and that you can keep pushing even when your legs really feel like they can’t,
    2023, you got a lot to do in this year
    you have to work on forgiveness
    you have to work on loving yourself again,
    2023, has to be the year that you accomplish at least one of your dreams,
    the one you’ve always been afraid to commit to but the one that describes you best,
    2023, has to be the year that your smile seems sincere,
    and that your body feels in shape.
    2023, will be the year that you accept yourself and you feel beautiful in your own skin.
    2023 will be a huge year for you, don’t forget that sometimes you’ll feel sad and will want to cry
    don’t forget that sometimes you will fall
    and you’ll want to stay down,
    don’t you forget that you are charming,
    and no matter what,
    you are the price,
    And through it all you will be standing tall.
    2023 will be a year full of blessings, and opportunities to be who you want to be,
    2023 will be a year that will mark your heart
    With abundance of love and success.
    2023 girl,
    There’s so much coming your way,
    I can’t wait for this new year, I know you feel it too, I know you’re on the same page.


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    • Reina, I am so sorry for all the hurt you endured last year. But it sounds like last year’s struggles helped you lay a solid foundation for this year’s goals. Keep healing. Keep forgiving. Keep growing. Keep chasing your dreams. And when it gets tough, read this poem. It will remind you that you are so strong – you are unbreakable. You got this! Keep pursuing the happiness you so deserve. Thank you for being a part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • You’ve been through a rough last year. But your motivation is what’s gonna help you get through goals this year. You have such a drive and adrenaline to you that no one can stop you from reaching your goals. Keep your head held high and keep fighting.

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