  • hilly-rose submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write about a time you didn’t give upWrite about a time you didn’t give up 1 months, 4 weeks ago


    Even everything
    is nothing until it is free-
    Stability in insecurity.
    Dependable: independent.

    Exhausted: motivated-
    Weakness mirrors strength.
    Liberation & flexibility
    strength is having no needs.

    Resilience- divine
    breaking silence,
    power through pain.
    Vulnerability- resplendent.

    Humble: malleable
    peace through pain.
    Adaptability is key,
    shedding of the ego.

    Admitting the desire
    to change and grow
    asking for help;
    while retaining pride in yourself.

    Hillary Rosenthal

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • I love the comparison of opposites! Thank you for the reminder that two “opposites” can both exist at the same time like peace and pain or weakness and strength. Great concept for a poem, keep writing!

      Write me back 

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