
gorilladna's Letters

If you could send 1 message you’ve learned to every person in the world, what would it be?

Hammer of Life

Life is the hammer

We are the nails

Why does it matter?

Each strike is a tale

Each blow drives us further

Into the years

And to the observer

Some strikes bring on tears

But nails are resilient

Just like our souls

Polished and brilliant

Or rusty and old

They all have a purpose

To share in the blows

And hold our construction

As…read more


Are you dead crumpled paper, or origami life?

Are your edges all torn, or cut precisely by knife?

Are you watermarked, stained, by ink and by tears?

Or are you bonded white paper without any smears?

Are you ruled or unruly, hole-punched or stapled?

Are you stacked way up high or shoved under a table?

Are you bound and collated or scattered,…read more


Dear reader,

My daughter took a fixture of boxing gloves embellished with rhinestones and asked that I write a little poem to go with the image. This is what I came up with:


Spar with my emotions

Hit me with your love

Practice your technique

With your rhinestone gloves

Footwork, block, and jab

Uppercut to my heart

Dodging knockout…read more


I grew up in a world where you were to be seen, but not heard.

I grew up in a world of “do as I say, not as I do”.

I grew up in a world where it was unacceptable to cry lest you be ostracized for being weak or girlish. Unless, of course, you were being beaten, as crying was encouraged.

I grew up in a world where blue is for boys and pink is for…read more

Write a letter or poem to or about a loved one who passed away and share how they inspire you


You’ll come to me in whispers

And you’ll visit me in dreams

I’ll awaken from your kisses

Softly lit by radiant beams

In the echos of my life

I will catch your sweetest voice

I will hear our love’s pure song

And my heart will then rejoice

I will strain my tired ear

For each whisper that you gift

As I listen most intently

In our memorie…read more

Voting ends on October 4, 2024 11:59pm


No pain, no gain

Still holds true

For biceps and exes

To name just a few

How does it feel

When pain leaves the heart?

A weight off your shoulders,

A race ‘bout to start?

But pain is evidence of life

And why should you be spared?

I know it’s easier to go numb

Than feeling lonely, feeling scared

But let pain come and let it go

For onl…read more

Write a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life


I bleed rainbows and cry stars

I find community in bars

I was sorrow, I was sin

I denied myself to win

I was lonely and unsure

But no longer immature

I am love and I am strong

I am fearless in my song

I don’t care what others think

And I’ll raise another drink

To brave souls that came before

And blew the locks upon the doors

I am fre…read more


I am a work in progress

Orphan baby that time stole

As I figure out my role

Though sometime just a hot mess

I try to find my true self

Racing time against its toll

Challenging my self control

While maintaining mental health

The haters and the lovers

Inspire my will to thrive

And my desire to stay alive

Lest I dive under the…read more

What is your ”perfect day?”


Sunset comes in muted hues

Orange fire and baby blues

Seaside skies, so vast in views

Birds pass lovers, two by twos

The day erased to bygone news

Sunlight fades to starry muse

Gentle flames from bonfires fuse

Bring restful bliss from daytime’s ruse

From sunrise lies to nighttime truths

Our life resets when dawn renews

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