  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 2 weeks ago


    Are you dead crumpled paper, or origami life?

    Are your edges all torn, or cut precisely by knife?

    Are you watermarked, stained, by ink and by tears?

    Or are you bonded white paper without any smears?

    Are you ruled or unruly, hole-punched or stapled?

    Are you stacked way up high or shoved under a table?

    Are you bound and collated or scattered, mislabeled?

    Are you fiction or truth, poem or fable?

    Are you sold by the sheet, or part of a ream?

    Is your font tight and crisp or illegible stream?

    In the end who’s to say what is better or worse

    For all pages contain a blessing or curse

    So iron the creases and place ink in your well

    Put pen to your paper; its your story to tell

    Don’t fret about spelling or grammar, my friend

    Start “In the beginning…”, and conclude with “The End!”

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Ricardo, WOW!! What a beautiful poem!! Writing can let so many emotions out that you might not be ready to share with anyone in person. This poem also applies to people! Their stories may be drastically different, so treat every person with kindness, as you never know what they have been through or what they are dealing with. Amazing poem!!

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      • Thank you, Harper. I am happy you enjoyed my poem and appreciate your message. I really had a fun time writing this…thank you!

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        • I had a fun time reading this!! What a fascinating use of description! Great work!!

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