  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

    Chello Darling,

    After watching the beauty that is Mary Poppins float gracefully through a sketched painting I had a great feeling about life. Growing up this was more than a movie, more than the collective chemistry of an amazing actress. I felt whenever I was sick I could surely take a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down and I would be healed instantly. I also knew anytime that I carried a bag, even small ones of sorts that I could pull anything out of it including a 10 ft sub sandwich, a petting zoo or even a complete bed set. Super cozy yet wow!!

    Mary, you soothed my soul on many occasions. You provided an extraordinary place of hope and excitement that life would be grand. Not always grand but even in the grim parts of it , life would be good still. At a young age I was exposed to quite a lot , some things that could have taken my innocence, or loitered my imagination but one scene of Mary gliding down a brass staircase with the calmest and cheeriest demeanor made Me smile, made me relinquish in the many possibilities that come with life.

    Mary, you taught Me how to belly laugh without a care, and how gravity does not define us for we are all free to flop, feel, fail and celebrate ourselves fabulously.

    Many times I have written letters to myself, my family, my peers, old loves and wondered why love didn’t show up for Me like the carousal did in the movie.
    I learned what accountability was before I knew what accountability is and now reflecting I needed that reality check. Who knew it would be formed within a classic tale.
    Those letters were singed, but came out of the fire whole and ready to read, to understand and know love just like Me.

    The positive impact you had on my aura Mary was grand and I pray that when skies are gray I am always able to shimmy down the chimney of life and grab a hold of my umbrella and lead the way.

    With love, thank you and good day.

    Gie Santana

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    • Gie, This is an absolutely wonderful piece. It’s amazing how characters from a movie or show can give us the hope, or guidance we need at that moment. This line from your piece is everything, “Mary, you taught Me how to belly laugh without a care, and how gravity does not define us for we are all free to flop, feel, fail and celebrate ourselves fabulously.” I love your connection to other humans and the creative lends in which you see the world through. You are a very special person, and I am so glad you are part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so incredibly much Lauren. Some days I don’t feel connected to much of anything but I appreciate you noticing and adoring my creative efforts. Thank you and the Unsealed family. This is one of my favorite families!! ☺️

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