  • giesantana submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 11 months, 1 weeks ago

    Plant Food

    Men deserve flowers too.

    Ones that sparkle like the Ocean’s blue.

    From the time they were a child, when the thunder went boom!
    They were told “you’re a big boy, boys don’t cry” and sent back to their rooms.

    Moving on to the falls off the bikes and standing their ground in after school yard fights, they then were told “dust yourself off , you will be alright”.

    As a teen, not really having a place to feel seen, a place they can be vulnerable and bear out some of those anxieties, they make constant pleas,some go unnoticed but their zest for life keeps them focused.

    Flowers come in varieties and they deserve them too.
    Ones that light up the room like most of their presence do.

    For far too long they’ve been taught to stand tall, affirm their fears and smile in the place of tears.

    Men deserve flowers too.
    Ones that smell as fresh as morning dew.

    For far too long they’ve been groomed to be the biggest yet most resilient in the room, to protect, love and guide even when their own world is full of doom.

    Men deserve flowers too.

    A change I want to see in this world is that EVERYONE loves a Man a little more.

    Support the dreams that make them beam, create a space free from friction so that they too can breathe.
    Pray with them and speak new life to them.

    We always uplift our wonderful Queens.
    When doing so we must not forget about our Kings

    Royally, I’m here to shed some sunshine and love on you.

    Ones that sparkle like the Ocean’s blue. Men deserve flowers too.

    Because plants are nothing without food.


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    • Your poem is so inspiring. Especially for raising the next generation of men. I have 2 boys and at the age of 2 their grand parents say he’s too big to be crying. At 2! It’s so frustrating. Yes they deserve flowers too. They deserve to show emotion without judgement.

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      • At 32 the men around Me were still crying and Im sure your Grandparents cried at 42 and 52 and so on and so forth. We have to come to grips with the reality of dropping “gender specific roles and behaviors”, we are all human and allowed to express ourselves positively as such. Keep allowing them the space to cry, to be tucked in to express themselves etc.. Your doing an AMAZING job and I’m sure in all of their teary eyed glory they think your the best Mom in the world and that’s all that matters. 🙂

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    • Gie this excellent. I love the idea of saying men need flowers as a way to represent this idea that men have a soft side too and need to be treated tenderly. It’s so true that we need to allow men to be vulnerable and let their emotions out. I love this poem! Thank you for sharing! <3 Lauren

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    • Hello Gie,
      Having raised a son and daughter, I can relate to your words. I always tried to treat them equally and give them the same amount of space to be emotional. Thank you for the wise words.


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      • Thank you as well! You raised an incredble daughter who faught through so much adversity and self doubt thank you for sharing this gem with us!! I am sure you’ve raised an awesome son as well. You have the best of both worlds. I sometime think I let my kiddo down or that they are lonely. But I am truly doing the best I can. Thank you for sharing your insight.

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