  • era submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 3 weeks ago

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    I realize now, that I AM worth fighting for.
    Not others fighting for me, but I am worth it to fight for myself, and in doing that I refuse to go back to the things, and people that have broke me time and time again.

    I refuse to allow anything, or anyone, to mold me into who, or what, they want, or need, me to be, because I have now set boundaries.

    I love myself enough to quit certain habits, and in return understand who I am, and why I feel the need to run away from myself, to face myself, to find love in myself, and respect for myself.

    I’m still pretty new to this journey, and I’m not sure if there is one single ultimate outcome to this transition, but I do know that the more I love myself, to see myself, my body, my flaws, my scars with the same eyes that a mother has when her son has returned back home safe from the streets, and this time for good, I kind of just want to kick my dirty, sole worn shoes off and leave them outside of the door before coming back home to myself, because it is a dirty world out there.

    My heart is sacred.
    It has loved so many others without being loved back and in return, it has shattered time and time again, leaving me empty, but I show up for myself today to fill my cup back up, and take a good old sip of a tea I like to call self love.

    I kind of just want to take a hot bath, and cook myself a good meal, something that I like and enjoy to nourish my body, because I deserve that.

    I find myself now often times listening to songs and turn the volume all the way up, because the song makes my soul soar, and it allows inspiration to flow through me like nothing else can.

    It’s so nice no longer worrying if the song is too loud for others, it’s so nice not walking on broken glass when it comes to displeasing others wants, expectations, and needs from me.

    It has taken me 30 years to realize that I am enough, and then some.
    That I am beautiful, if it wasn’t for my darkest hours in life I wouldn’t shine as bright as I do today, and with that I am able to be a guiding light for those who are where I used to be.

    And sometimes I look back at that girl, who stood there alone just trying to seek validation from others, who wanted nothing more than to use up every fiber of her being, and I give her a hug.

    Going back and giving that lost soul a hug is what has taught me about self love more than anything, because I show up today as the same person she needed then, but didn’t have it in herself at the time to be that for herself.

    The day that I set boundaries and quit allowing people to use me I quit looking for validation from strangers, and I have in return built up the courage to tell the one looking back at me that she is worth it, that she is strong, that she is loved, because I love her.
    I look back at pieces of myself I have shed along the way, and each bit of what has made me the woman that I am today.

    I’m not afraid to say no.

    Not afraid to distance myself from anything that no longer serves me.
    I’m not afraid to speak my mind.
    I’m no longer bending myself out of shape just to be what someone else wants me to be, or needs me to be.

    Roxanne Barrett

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Roxanne! This is amazing! I am so happy for you that you are setting strict boundaries. I used to say I had a circle of peace and if you disrupt my peace – no matter who you are – you are out of the circle. It is interesting, the more you move away from the things and people that hurt you the easier it gets to take care of and love yourself – and it sounds like you are doing just that. You put in a lot if work to get here, You should be proud of yourself. I know I am proud of you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Because of your poem, I am going to try and write one about why I love myself. I don’t need the contest but I don’t know how else to stop crying. I am a very hurt man.
      But it’s good because I know that God is close to the broken hearted. He is able to deliver me and he is doing it through all you and all the beautiful people with beautiful hearts on this uncealed writing community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you and learning how to love yourself.

      Sincerely Timothy

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