
emdissocool's Letters



Nursing students tend to complain about how nursing school is academically hard and stressful. One thing they may leave out is how degrading many nursing instructors can be on one’s performance in clinical – or just in general. My clinical instructor broke the mentally degrading stigma nursing instructors tend to have during my med-surg III…read more


Please Don’t Worry

Dear Em,

It has been ten years since you turned thirteen. I am going to be relatively blunt with you, as I am well aware that you can be quite stubborn at times. You will not be going away to the college you dreamed of or moving out when you turn eighteen. As a matter of fact, you will still be living at home in your early twenties. I am not sure…read more



No one knows me, they only see you.
Your personality makes me feel so


When I wake up and before I go to bed,
I pause and think of you.

I wish you would stop wasting my time,
Because lately I feel that I am losing my mind.

A clock in my head constantly chimes,
With ticks and tocks that play on repeat.

Orange…read more

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