  • Kayla Dior shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    I Am Most Like My Dad When….

    I hated my dad’s classes. He would take out his “Black Tapes”, his Black Law books, and his printed-out thick packets of information from whatever minister or professor he liked then and turn on his computer. It was only occasionally, but the topics of our history always left me feeling uneasy. As I’ve grown, I realized it wasn’t his fault the topics were oppressive to deal with, but I am fortunate he tried to prepare me for the outside world I was entering.

    He is good at that.

    I was homeschooled and in one of our many classes, I remember he made my brother and I draw a circle on the page in front of us and write these words.

    “The space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge. All that I think I know about whatever I think know is depicted right here within this circle! I must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness.”

    I admired his way of storing and sharing information. His eyes lit up when he had the chance to but other times, he just kept his head in a book or focused on the new installment of monitors on his desk; only to interact again when his friends were around. The people who seemed to matter most.

    What he does to me, I do to him. Even though in the deepest parts of our hearts all we want to do is hug each other. We choose to dance around it. We hurt each other, but we do it with love. I know it makes no sense, yet it’s true. I say nothing to protect us and he tells me nothing to keep my image of him from being damaged forever.

    Everything he taught me I absorbed. I stood on a podium and to 300 people. I told them that quote he told me. I made them make a circle with their hands and recite these words, again.

    “The space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge. All that I think I know about whatever I think know is depicted right here within this circle! I must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness.”

    I saw him watch me and I could feel how proud he was without having to look. There are moments when I love him with my whole heart and there are moments when I can’t because it hurts. But I always listen to him, just like I know he listens to me.

    I love you in the way rain always escapes the forecast. It surprises me how much I always forget my umbrella. I love you and it’s hard because it’s hard to love myself sometimes.

    We talk and clash because we both want to be right and since he can’t respond I will part with a piece of his song:

    A baby boy, amazing grace. The 20th of July, a special day. A father’s smile and mother’s tear. Through that special reunion, I appear. So full of life and so many dreams. Raised in the ghetto the eldest of three.

    This sounds like me:

    A baby girl, amazing grace. The 25th of July, a special day. A father’s smile and mother’s tear. Through that special reunion, I appear. So full of life and so many dreams. Raised in the ghetto the youngest of three.

    And this part sounds like us:

    Plans were made to visit Grandma and them. But underneath pops’ wings is where you’ll find me. Right before bed was the best of times. I swear moms can read a book and make it come to life. But maybe life pressure got to Mom and Dad. Made them change directions from the ones they had. Buckets of tears running down my face as I watch in pain my hero’s separating.

    But with me and you, there are no separations.

    Kayla Dior

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    • Thank you Kayla for sharing your heartfelt letter. It’s clear that your relationship with your dad is complex and filled with both love and challenges. Despite the difficulties, it’s clear that there is a deep bond between you two.
      Your dad’s approach to teaching and sharing knowledge is admirable. The circle exercise he had you do, showing the limitations of our awareness, is a powerful reminder that there is always more to learn and understand. It’s incredible to see how you carried that lesson forward, sharing it with others and making a lasting impact. Thank you for sharing your story. May your relationship with your dad continue to grow and strengthen, bringing you both joy and fulfillment.

      Write me back 

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