
dsenlightenededits's Letters

Danielle @DsEnlightenedEdits

For Lauren…

Blessed Birthday to the women who has turned tragedy into triumph, compassion into community, and passions into realities, for herself and so many others!

Truly thank you for bringing so many people and opportunities together.

May your dreams keep unfolding; and keep coming true in the most magical and optimal of ways!

With Love and Appreciation…


Power Heart

Strength it seems cannot be seen.
It floats, it sinks, it rises Supreme.

Appearances will seldom show, the strength and power of a true, pure Soul.

What makes me strong is not my size, is not the muscles in my arms or thighs.

There is one muscle which I have strong, it is my heart, which sings its Sekhem song.

Humming softly to my head, to…read more

Danielle @DsEnlightenedEdits

To my fellow Americans ... which Freedoms are we “celebrating” exactly?

Honestly, I had a difficult time “celebrating” Memorial Day this year. Obviously there is a debate to be had of whether a day of remembrance of the dead deserves celebration; but in this country it has been celebrated, as a day of rest and “freedom”.

This year, it felt kind of pointless to me. Yes those who have served and died, still deserve to…read more


The now and the Infinity…

For the new me, may never be found; because you see, the idea is unsound.

What is newness? Is it true?

I find that I am seldom new; and often, always, built by two.

There’s who I was, and who I will be … then somewhere in between, there’s me.

Propelling forward, pulled by past, knowing resolutions will not last, if I don’t love the parts of me,…

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CONTEST ENTRY: To All the childhood Versions of Me…

To All the childhood Versions of Me …

To those who felt unloved and seldom seen, know that I see and I Love you too.
Know my love comes without condition, or need to prove yourSelf, to anyone (especially me). For I know and Love All of you, unmistakably, and unconditionally.

I know you are wise “beyond your years”; but I also know its trauma that’…

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