
dragonflypdx's Letters


Dear Rosa Parks, Thank You for Saying “No” Your Light Shines on Me

Dear Rosa Parks,

Do What Is Right—Not What Is Easy

These are words that define me—these are the words that connect you to me. I was only four years old on December 1, 1955, the day you were arrested for refusing to give up your seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Your sense of purpose and courage shone bright that day and con…

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Hey You! It’s Me! It’s 2022. We need to talk.

Life is Different Now
Authenticity you were elusive and
hiding beneath the stuck parts of me
I stumbled as I tried to catch up
with a resident alien fighting to be let free.

Afraid it might be too late to open the door
Giving you the space to live and breathe
and never again fear the light of day
they say better late than never.

Everything changed…

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