  • darleenc5 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023 4 months, 4 weeks ago

    Witness to our Love

    I look back to that photo,
    The one that’s framed above my desk.

    It’s not because we ventured out,
    Or because we loved the art.

    Could it be the night-lit sky,
    Musicians, the star-lit vibe?
    Or perhaps it was blatantly
    our anniversary.

    Looking back I know
    it was just that moment.
    The passerby, the photographer,
    became a witness to that instant.
    Capturing the moment, the glim in our eyes.

    Arms around my hips
    Eyes locked into mine.
    Smile awakening dimples
    Lashes rising to the sky.
    Hearts beating peacefully
    yet excitedly.
    Yearning to be confined in this moment,
    My favorite moment of 2023.

    Avoiding my departure,
    Detached from visa concerns.
    Come to think of it,
    The origin of our flags.
    Both holding stripes,
    same direction, towards the horizon.
    Different colors,
    apparently a huge difference.
    They want red and white.
    While his, nature green and sunny yellow.
    Stars, same placement
    But his, missing only 49.
    I think about that every day
    Painfully waiting for the approval.
    But I didn’t dare to think that night.
    It would’ve tarnished that moment.
    A perfect moment,
    One where we are together.
    Better together, just like the song.

    Not thinking about our LDR.
    Only 2 strangers that had just met the year before.
    Look at us now.
    2 souls forever in love,
    Carrying that moment,
    Our favorite moment.

    Darlene Cervantes

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends December 4, 2024 12:00am

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    • Darlene, this sounds like an absolutely magical moment. Congrats on finding love. Is LDR along distance relationship? Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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