
daniellas-empress's Letters


People will treat you how they feel about you, how they see you or how they see/feel about themselves.

The best gift is putting yourself first but not at the expense of others so show a little gratitude,integrity and respect.

Life is time and Time is Life. Why should we be considering wasting it or giving away that respectable power to someone…read more

Voting ends on September 1, 2024 12:00pm

Uncomfortably Comfortable

Dear Comfort Zone,

Hi its me I’m turning the “NO’s” into “YES” my fears into dreams and those into goals that will uphold in the mist of reality because they will happen and come true as I believe it and will seek it as well as achieve it.

Oh how I love you but must let you go; you see we been lovers for so long but now I must go so I can grow…read more

Getcho A** UP !!!

Yes You !

I want you to know it’s ok to not be ok but don’t stay down for too long. Happiness is definitely on the otherside. If it won’t matter 10 years from now let it go. That friendship was a foe. Relationship was a blow but you still have so much to show. It got worse before it got better. Remember wanting an apartment of your own at 16 it…read more

Mi Amor

Dear Empress ( ME),

I connect with the stranger who is myself everyday. WHO AM I !? What am I granted to see and profound to be. Freewill but with a spiritual insight guided by the universe. I had a role to play but it wasn’t the same, I played myself but with other character names. I didn’t realize that I was playing more than one side. I would…read more


I am the change I want to see in the world. It’s unclear what tomorrow will bring but I want my future to be bright,brave and show much needed strength & resilience for the next generation. Fighting for rights today so they don’t have to be afraid,neglected or pained by what wasn’t done in a past life. I want people to not be afraid to honor…read more

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