  • cmorris96 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 4 weeks ago

    Imperfect Beauty

    I used to dream of flawlessness.
    An unmarred expanse of skin.
    Flat, unblemished perfection.

    Like the skinny, pale peers marking my adolescence
    all beauty
    and boys chasing the hems of their skirts.

    Mirrors were my enemy.
    For months on end, I’d avoid them
    unwilling to perceive myself –
    the unquantifiable failures of an imperfect body.

    When I did get trapped by my reflection there was nothing but disdain.
    Minutes spent poking at fat and bemoaning the many blemishes sprouting from my face.

    All I saw was ugly
    for years.

    I don’t know when it changed –
    slowly or all at once.
    But one day I looked in my mirror and saw something different.
    A budding of appreciation
    for every fold
    all the hidden parts of my body:
    curves creating shadow
    flaws fashioning fervency.
    A different kind of beauty
    worth admiring.

    I always believed learning to love myself would be an impossibility.
    Unattainable in the body I have with a mind that often acts more like a battlefield.
    I didn’t know it was a thousand little things, moments absent of self-hatred where I perceive myself outside the many negative narratives that have haunted.

    The simplicity of a fact without judgment.
    I am a body existing despite every doubt
    every insecurity
    every voice both internal and external telling me I do not belong.

    And that is a powerful act of love.


    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow Camille, I am so sorry for all the years that you avoided the mirror, but I am so glad you see your beauty and wonder now. You are amazing in every sense, and I am so glad you now see that. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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