

  • alibakes submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At PeaceWrite A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 3 months, 2 weeks ago

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    Funeral for a Friend

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  • Beyond the UNKOWN

    All my life I struggled to fit in, like a puzzle piece matched up to the wrong area. I’ve been guided to look within by angels unseen, by feelings unheard.
    I have seen the greatness within me,
    happy and confident. The one who has hope with every inch and spec of dust that I’m made of is spectacular. Mixed with some fairy glitter and a mind that represents the galaxy, and a heart that represents the soul. Always searching for more..
    What is beyond the unknown?
    For nobody knows..
    There is a glimpse of hope..
    At the end of that dark tunnel a light arises.
    Taking you to worlds of high.
    Where you need not to question but to listen.
    A thump in the chest is like a head rush from a cigarette..
    It’s unexplainable that we listen to the voices in our head, instead of our chest..
    We are strong and powerful creatures but have caused destruction to everybody, including ourselves.
    How can we make peace within?
    When the world wants to fight to the death..
    The answer is quite simple.
    Find what drives you out of bed, what helps you pick up your head, and keep diving into the unknown within. That’s where peace lies at night.
    Peace is within every breath.
    Peace is in freedom.
    Peace is in hope.
    Peace is in the light.
    Peace means equality and love,
    But most of all a calm mind and spirit.
    Its freedom at its highest, because a lot of times people wish to take it away from being unhappy.
    Which causes a sour world and doesn’t taste as good as a lemon head does on your tongue. It’s bitter, and It’s gross and doesn’t show the love that is within.
    From a soul so weary and thin.. the love collides within.
    When everything is sour in life, you realize,
    That little hope that is inside.
    Begging to come to life.
    It’s so simple, but so strange.
    How we can go on living like this..
    But, remember, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

    Shiana Jasmine

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    • I love these lines “Find what drives you out of bed, what helps you pick up your head, and keep diving into the unknown within. That’s where peace lies at night”. Having an attitude like yours is so important. If you look on the bright side of life’s ups and downs, you will find true peace. Great poem!

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    • I so agree that there is so much peace that comes with finding your passion. And that’s a good thing that you never “fit in.” We are not supposed to fit in; we are supposed to be our unique, fabulous selves. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Digging

    I admit I am really digging you beyond the lust attraction that we have between each other. When I first met you I was full excitement and butterflies that anticipation of leaving the lasting impression consumed my mind because I wanted you. Unexpectedly, you came into my life while I was dealing with heartbreak and past traumas that shattered my heart like a broken vase. At first I was afraid to put my true intentions of trying to find my person because of failure and these modern times of the lack of love between a man and a woman. The encouragement you gave me to do new exciting things to express myself through writing, traveling, and you value me as my authentic self got me craving more of you. I`m digging you because you force me to level up in all aspects of life and hold me accountable for my actions which is true love as I navigate the world trying to become a better version of myself. I just want to be alone with you wrapped up in your warm embrace that puts me at peace. So don`t walk away from this attraction that can lead to a unison of beautiful souls digging on each other and that`s the best part.

    Joseph Hill

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    • This is beautiful! I am happy that you have found a person who inspires you and gives you so much strength and peace. My favorite line is “I`m digging you because you force me to level up in all aspects of life and hold me accountable for my actions which is true love as I navigate the world trying to become a better version of myself”. Having a…read more

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  • Time Standing Still

    Dear Country Concerts,
    From the moment I first went to you
    Cowgirl boots rocking in the stars
    Flashing lights like the northern lights
    Singing along to the late nights
    The late night drinks, the late night music
    Us speeding along like there is no tomorrow
    Time Standing Still
    Living the life we dreamed of
    Stomping our feet against the wind
    Night Flowing like it’s never going to end
    Healed hearts,
    Phones disappearing like ghosts
    No service, no responsibilities
    Becoming one with music
    The music is you
    Heartfelt conversations and times
    We’re all the same
    We’re all the same in the moment
    Swaying like astronauts in space
    no gravity, no gravity

    Rachel Milligan

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    • I love this poem! Country music is so fun and I’m glad that music in general can help you escape the chaos of life. My favorite line would have to be “The music is you” because music can be interpreted in so many different ways, which is such a beautiful thing! Great poem!!

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    • I always loved going to concerts and would find my worries drifting away, slowly getting drowned out by the music. As a fellow concert goer, I really resonated with this poem and loved reading it!

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  • Dancing with Butterflies at Pride

    Where and when I feel most at peace: A poem titled “Dancing at Pride with Butterflies”

    A girl, too afraid to
    Goes on a road trip
    With new friends
    And a second

    A girls trip to
    Uncertain if she
    Even fits in
    With this new

    To herself it feels like
    That finally found
    A home where
    They can freely fly
    Souring through the
    She found a place
    Not on a map
    Like a pin
    But in herself
    She found release
    In her own skin
    She finally felt peace

    A girl, too afraid to
    She swims through the
    Eyes closed, she spins
    And lands in bliss
    One with the music
    She danced as
    Always she would
    All because she took a

    -Sasha Nichols

    Sasha Nichols

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    • Proud of you! Keep Dancing <3

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    • I love this poem! Sometimes getting out of your comfort zone can be difficult, but when you do, you may realize how much you enjoy doing whatever it is you’re trying! Life is full of taking chances, and I’m happy that you took a chance, danced your heart out, and found peace from within you. Great poem!!

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      • It was always very difficult for me to get out of my comfort zone! This night was different. I have felt so much less discomfort in everything since then.. it’s funny how something as simple as allowing yourself to dance can change your path!
        Opportunities flow when you release fear!

        Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! And I’m so…read more

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        • YES, I totally agree with you!! Glad you are thriving after this incredible experience of yours! You are so welcome, I am very inspired after having read it!! ❤️❤️

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    • Omg, I love the energy of this piece. Leaving your comfort zone and finding peace, joy, and freedom is incredible. I love to dance, and I am so glad you took a chance and leaned into the moment. Thank you for sharing. <3Lauren

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  • Sapoche

    I fall into a trance… One where I live through my peaceful desires. Seeing myself drifting on the musical waves of my bass strings, croaking in harmony.

    I land into another vision, one where I’m bringing peace with my fist. I train the martial art to release the heat. I take a left and a right to the jaw, slipping out of my trance. Rattle, Rattle, as I croak in harmony.

    When I wake, I shake my head in disbelief… I made it. I’m back on my lily pad just drifting down stream. Take it easy Bufo!!!

    Jesus Roman

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    • Great work! I love the part where you said “Seeing myself drifting on the musical waves of my bass strings, croaking in harmony.” Music is amazing in that it can be interpreted in so many different ways and that people can have different tastes in what they listen to. I am so glad that music has inspired you in such a powerful way and that it has…read more

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      • Thank you for your response to my poem, I am really appreciative of your support, especially since it was my first challenge. I hope to improve with every challenge I complete.

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    • Exercise and music are two very peaceful places, and I find myself in another state when I am exposed to them. You really reminded me of my own experiences that I don’t always fully acknowledge or maybe I am not completely aware of in the moment. Thanks for sharing, and thank you for being part of our community.

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    • Great use of imagery in your story, loved the first and last sections! Especially the last part where you wake up drifting on a lilly pad, it ties the whole piece together with the other bits where you are croaking in between dreams.

      I’m assuming that’s your own drawing? I like the haphazard style, it’s a great compliment to the last part of…read more

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  • What's Worth Surrendering To

    Hello my love,

    How fitting it was that I first met your father thousands of miles away from our overgrown backyard on the fringes of Appalachia. At his colmado — a neighborhood bodega and makeshift bar, you explained — in Villa Juana — the hood, you explained — as a raging frenzy of politically charged demonstrators flooded and throttled the streets around us. It was best to be careful this close to the election, we were told, only to later find ourselves caught in the throes of the collective and unrelenting march. Every street that was ever paved was created with the potential for such chaos, as long as humanity exists to take to them with signs, chants, shouts, shoves, and song. The neighborhood was manic and alive. Two tall stools along the countertop bar of the colmado, alongside your father and uncle, were the only refuge. That, and the beer in big bottles so cold they had frosted over white.

    Hundreds of miles away, in the all-inclusive resorts that dotted the outside of the islands eastern half, conservative tourists paid top dollar to be kept far removed from the very havoc that now swirled around us. There is much that could be said about that sunny afternoon that melted into night as tall green beer bottles wrapped in soaked white paper piled up on the counter. Every once in a while, a shot of Brugal to loosen the screws around us. The clamor from the street behind us melted into the distance as the day wore on.

    There was a peace that I felt in the hours that followed unlike anything I’ve felt for a while. In that moment, alongside you, young, newlywed, half-buzzed, at the climax of an adventure that had taken us to what felt like the throbbing edge of the world. Each atom around us buzzed with the vibrance of a visceral reality — far removed from the one we left behind, which now in retrospect seems so self-obsessed and comfort-prone it is stripped of most real authenticity. It was a return to the squirming, crying chaos we are all born into and are all so quickly trying to put behind us, it seems, where concerns of which toothpaste nine out of ten doctors recommend, celebrity feuds, and a flimsy freedom prevail — as long as your car note, electric bill, and the grass in your yard are all constantly minded.

    And I could still feel the echoes of what we had left so far behind after your father rolled his wheelchair to the front of his corrugated steel home and began blasting the Bee Gees and Barry Manilow on a tower of front-room speakers. His story, which played out over Presidente and styrofoam cups of liquor, continued — the sicario who put him in his wheelchair for life after opening fire on a street, just like this one, thirty years ago, might be locked up in a Mexican prison somewhere. It was a conspiracy plot, not a freak tragedy. Revenge was still on the table, however improbable. The Americans have been, and continue to, pull the strings around here in ways no one can fully imagine.

    Now, it was Bob Marley’s turn on the speakers. Darkness settled over the neighborhood while people who knew you, my love, as a little girl, stopped by to see the woman who had become of her. The woman I would eventually marry and see the world through pandemic and protest, deaths, both big and small, champagne-soaked celebration, and quiet nights lit only by campfire sparks. There is a peace in finding what’s worth surrendering to and fighting like hell against everything that isn’t. There is a peace in allowing the world to swirl around you, let it do what it must, its best and its worst, as you take in your fellow man. There is an ancient spark in spirited debate over a passed bottle; in a father reuniting with daughter; in the embrace of a community.

    As we left the neighborhood, headed back to the center of Santo Domingo, as my sweated-through clothes stuck to my back and legs, I considered that I had been a part of something unique, holy, even for one night, and that, across the world, neighorhoods and communities, shared moments like these where people ventured from their front doors, set up some plastic chairs in the shade, shared a meal they cooked, bought a neighbor, or stranger, a drink.

    It helps to be reminded of these things every once in a while.

    I want to thank you, my love, for your very existence and for bearing witness to it all alongside me. There is a peace, warmth, and dazzling beauty in sharing it all.


    Jacob Geanous

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    • You are a fantastic storyteller, Jacob. I am so happy that you and your loved one have spent so much quality time together and made so many memories that you will cherish forever. Being accompanied by someone so close to your heart throughout your life is such a beautiful thing. I am so delighted to hear that you have had an amazing time finding…read more

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  • Back and Forth

    In my little house
    In a state up north
    Rocking peacefully
    Back and forth

    Children still sleeping,
    Safe and warm in bed
    Calm quiet thoughts,
    Float in my head

    Sipping my coffee,
    Warm in my hand
    A relatable feeling,
    Most understand
    Awaiting the day to go as planned

    This time allows my mind to adjust
    To put my best foot forward,
    This is a must

    A deep breath in,
    Inhale the grateful
    A deep breath out,
    Exhale the hateful

    In my rocking chair,
    Feeling so at peace
    Morning sounds of the honking geese

    The cars start passing by more often
    As the sounds of the geese
    Begin to soften

    I get up to the sink,
    Rinse out my cup
    The rocking must wait,
    It’s time to get up

    Take on the day,
    The peace and quiet must wait
    Time to get going, don’t want to be late
    Press pause, on my peaceful state

    Fast forward to the end of the day
    Dinner dishes done and put away
    Children warm and safe
    Again, in bed they lay…

    On her forehead,
    I kiss my daughter
    Then back to the sink,
    For a cold glass of water

    Sit down, take a sip
    Again, at peace
    Take a deep breath
    For a calming release

    Rocking peacefully
    Back and forth
    In my little house
    In a state up north.

    Bri Chandler

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    • I love this. Beautiful poem.

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    • Your very kind, Thank you so much!

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    • This is amazing! Taking a bit of time for yourself in the mornings, especially when looking forward to a stressful day, can be so relaxing. I absolutely love the phrase that you used here, “Inhale the grateful”…”Exhale the hateful.” This will definitely be a saying I will use!! Great poem!

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    • Bri! This is so good. The imagery is good and this poem makes me feel like I am in that rocking chair with you. I love how this piece unfolds and tells the story of your day, which starts and ends with peace. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family.. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you for your compliments! Im so happy you appreciate the imagery in my poem. It was so thrilling writing it and having it come together full circle 🙂 It is a joy to be a part of The Unsealed Family. Such a safe space to engage, share, and inspire! So Thanks Again 🙂

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  • “The Ghosts We Left”

    There are a thousand ghosts trapped in my hometown.
    They hide in every shadow and crack and beam of sunlight.
    And haunt me in every breath of cold air
    that turns my stomach over and rolls hot tears down my cheek.
    I should never have hoped moving 40 miles North could bury them,
    when all the roads still lead me back to the same place.
    40 minutes to the only place I’ve ever known.
    40 minutes to my mother alone in that house, visibly older each week.
    When the church pews and the old school rooms and the 4 walls that you called a home start feeling like a prison,
    you stop knowing where to run to,
    and start running in circles and calling it a life.
    When all you have is familiarity,
    you forget and start to mistake it as home.
    And when you stay still for that long,
    you start to know the walls, and the trees, and the bends in the backroads.
    And if you stay silent for long enough,
    you start to hear them whisper back.
    “I want to go home” stopped meaning that house.
    Home meant that tiny trailer 2 miles down the road where the memories couldn’t haunt me so much.
    “I want to go home” stopped meaning that house, and started being your arms.
    The arms that will wrap around me every night so I don’t shake as I sleep.
    That will be my home.
    Even if it’s a light year away from the ghosts we left in that town.

    Adrienne Redman

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    • This poem has a very mysterious mood for me. I am captivated by the line that says “‘I want to go home’ stopped meaning that house.” Sometimes removing yourself from places and situations is the best option, and clearly, you made the choice that is best for you. I am so happy that you have found a home away from ‘home’ and that you now have a…read more

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  • 1-2-3-4

    Remembering words, sensations, and feelings
    Scattered post-it notes in my brain.
    Zumba, a typical Saturday morning.
    I can’t live without it.

    Bursting eardrums,
    Dance in the back.
    My bunion wincing, begging to take it slow
    embracing the memory foam from my ocean blue Skechers.
    Today will be great.

    Dancing away from worries, insecurities, and the lows.
    Being mindful and following the beat as it goes.

    No longer counting 5-6-7-8.
    Singing 1-2-3-4
    followed by Mr.305’s signature “Dale” (Dah-lay).

    No audience, just dancing for our bodies and mind.
    Chorally chanting yet panting, “Manos arriba”
    thrusting our arms above our heads.
    This is my community.

    Feeling the sweat on my back
    Smiling with every step
    Giggling between each body roll.
    Enduring and giving it our all.

    Ignoring technique
    Because the best dances are those done with passion
    Martha Graham is on my sticky note.

    Merengue, cumbias, hip-hop, bachata,
    some Bollywood dance moves take part in the fun.
    Adding “sabor” to every dance, my own flavor,
    Make it make sense.

    The music transports me to Michoacan,
    The summers with my family.
    Although fading,
    I feel it through the lyrics,
    The instruments coming to life.
    The dances clinging to diverse cultures.
    The beauty of it.
    A spectacle to be felt,
    A fuel to the soul.

    not just a workout but a mindset
    to “gozar de la vida,”
    To enjoy life.
    Feeling this as I dance to La Vida es un Carnaval,
    Half turns and spinning
    Moving hips like dancing waters,
    This is my happy place.

    Darlene Cervantes-Sossou

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    • This poem brings me so much joy, Darlene! I am so, so happy for you and I love that you have found something that you are so passionate about. I personally have never tried Zumba, but after reading this poem, I might have to go take a class!! Great descriptions, and a great poem! I love it!

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      • Thank you, Harper! I’m so happy it brought you joy! It is important to find things in our lives that make us happy, and Zumba is one of the things that I truly enjoy; regardless of my tough moments, I can rely on dancing to make me feel better.

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  • Shavasana

    130 bpm 一 The steady rhythm of my breath synchronizes with my movement
    140 bpm 一 I feel alive
    150 bpm 一 I feel like I’m dying
    160 bpm 一 I am capable of more than I think possible
    And done

    I come to lay on the ground to calm my breathing.
    From an outsider’s perspective, I look like nothing but a corpse,
    but laying in shavasana is where the magic happens.
    Coming to this place of surrender where there are no expectations and the only thing to do is observe how my breathing regulates is peaceful.
    This is where I come to balance.

    We would not know peace without peril, ease without force, and I wouldn’t be feeling this right now if it weren’t for the intense physical activity I put my body through.
    It’s the same reason why you sleep the soundest after ugly crying.
    It’s our own body’s way of balancing out.

    Peace is not found in stagnant stillness but in steady flow, aka breath,
    It’s found in feeling a human touch massaging away the tightness your muscles have endured,
    It’s the feeling of safety being in the arms of a beloved,
    And the acceptance of an invitation to match its frequency.
    When someone dies, we say que en paz descanse;
    Our final wish for someone is that they may rest in peace.
    And peace is a choice, a piece of us, a possibility.
    It’s our duty to experience every feeling + emotion and peace is simply one of them.

    Jaynee Monarrez

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    • I love this poem, Jaynee!! I relate to every word you said. Peace is a journey and it can be difficult to find it, especially when you are working on overcoming other tasks as well! My favorite line of yours is “We would not know peace without peril” because without going through the lows in life, we would take all the highs for granted! Great…read more

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    • This piece reminds me so much of all the advice my fiance gives me on how to calm myself down: massages, meditation, etc. Breathing and just observing your body is so important. He always says “Your body needs your attention.” Thank you for sharing and reminding me of a place where we can all find peace. <3 Lauren

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    • I learned something from reading this poem and related it in a way that I want to try yoga as a form of therapy. Thank you for this piece. It was therapeutic reading it!

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  • kiarrabarrettyahoo-com submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At PeaceWrite A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 3 months, 2 weeks ago

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    Napping Hour

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  • at peace

    finding the music in the background of a bustling room;
    staying in the Sun just until it starts to burn your skin;
    dancing in a blue-lit room with orange nails;
    flipping through a rack of vintage clothes;
    meeting someone who has yet to meet themselves;
    running really fast;
    trying something new;
    seeing a butterfly flap its wings;
    breathing through the belly;
    driving while listening to house music with the windows down.

    the closer i grow to myself,
    the more i feel at peace
    within the small moments that life presents me.

    i’m at peace when i’m seemingly
    disconnected with others,
    but deeply connected to myself.

    it isn’t the grandiose gestures such as
    watching the sunset,
    or yoga classes
    that bring me the most peace,
    but in the moments where i enjoy and savor life.

    Gina Guerrucci

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    • Gina, the message in this poem is incredible!! It is so fascinating to me that everyone has a different representation of what their peace is. I have to say, yours might be the most unique one that I have heard! The things that are so simple are things that someone may never get to experience. There is peace in knowing that the little moments will…read more

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    • Gina, I love this. It is so important to be present and remain connected with ourselves. It really reminded me of the importance of staying present, staying connected with myself, and appreciating the little things. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • navier submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At PeaceWrite A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 3 months, 2 weeks ago

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    Within Me

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  • Maybe peace is stored in the evil eye

    Peace is hazy unclear untrue
    A dream I had an unspoken truth
    Water slip-dripping through my fingers
    Wrinkled hands hunt pearls at the shore
    Always grasp-gripping at nothing
    Where is the peace I yearn for?

    Together at last
    Relief floods through
    Open blinds
    We made
    Our own little corner
    Carved it out just so
    I hope you never forget
    My room is your home

    Watch the highway race by
    Music booms on the radio
    You turn to me asking:
    “Where do you wanna go?”
    Your words breathe youth
    Bring the light of summer back again
    Lying on my mattress thinking:
    “Can’t wait to go out again”

    Summer washes away
    Yet it remains in my pocket
    On clipped
    Backpack keychains
    Drawings you left
    In the margins
    Of my notebook

    Trading time like it doesn’t fade
    Our lives
    On some random day

    The times we had to share
    The times we chose to give

    Trading pieces of ourselves before we leave
    My memory of you brings me such


    Madison R Mckenzie

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    • This is so beautiful, Madison. Finding peace when you are with another person proves that there is such a strong emotional connection between the two of you. My favorite part of your work would be “Our lives Intertwined On some random day” because it shows how rare this tranquil connection is. Having a person like this that you can relate to and…read more

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    • Your very lucky to find a person that you can feel adventurous and safe at the same time. Home when you’re away. I can feel the warmth and excitement you feel when you’re with this person and on your adventures. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Record of Youth

    To: Us, Seoul
    There is rarely a time in my life I feel peace. The incessant dialog on repeat in my head combined with the every evolving chaos I find myself in has always held me captive. In my car, my room, the store, the fields by my house, I am always looking over my shoulder. I have always walked on glass shards, knowing if I am not prepared, if I close my eyes for one second, they will cut me open. The first time I felt my feet on solid ground was the Summer of 2022. A place so far away from my home, yet it felt like the only home I would truly ever know. I traveled by train all the way down to the coast. I thought I saw things clearly my whole life, but it is like the passing mountains and meadows I stared at out the window was the first time I saw life in color. When I arrived at my destination, I saw a tall gray building with sleek tiles. The clouds were thick pillows of tears, waiting to soak the earth. I texted my host and asked how to get in and he must have talked to someone in the apartment because suddenly a tall, slender man came out the door and said, “Are you Brynn?”. It was a question, but it also felt like an answer. Soon, I met 4 other individuals who would be my roommates for the summer. Another man with sea glass eyes and a shy demeanor, A girl with jet black locks and a smile that said “I’m glad you’re here”. Then appeared the girl with a striking laugh and one with reddish brown hair dancing around the most delicate face I had seen. At first, I felt like I was always waiting for something else, for someone else. I could breathe, I could see, but I felt my chest tighten whenever someone spoke to me. I didn’t know what this was. I didn’t want to run, but I was afraid to stay. I guess that when you have never been still, stillness feels much like chaos. It keeps you on edge because you don’t understand why nothing is falling apart. As the days passed, I became very familiar with this feeling. The initial unease I had turned into comfort. It turned into belonging. We spent our days laughing, dancing, exploring and supporting each other through the many journeys we had embarked on outside the moments we spent together. When we ate, we always prepared each other’s plates first. When you cried, there was always a hug that followed. If you smiled, it was always returned with a promise of recognition. A promise that in this place, we could make something special. We didn’t speak the language, we were halfway across the globe, but it felt like it was the only place we’d ever known. I remember every piece of the home we shared. Not the one we physically were in, but the space that we created and enveloped us wherever we were as long as we were together. Nothing ever felt strange or out of place. I often think of all these moments that form a film in my mind’s eye. The places we saw forever on replay. We walked all over the city, finding special spots in every corner. We traveled to the coast, felt the waves grasp our hands and we talked about the lives we had left behind. I discovered that I always looked for the highest point in any building we went into. I sat by the windows, watching the lives of those outside unfold before me. I saw the mountains encircling this beautiful home we built. I saw the miles of houses and buildings that never seemed to end in any direction. It was the, and is the most beautiful thing I have ever bore witness to. I often travel back,not physically, but mentally to this place. I am sitting on a rooftop in Jongro while staring at the N. Seoul Tower. The air is thick and the sun is starting to burn my skin, but I can’t go inside. All the things I saw, and the things I did, was the most magical thing in my life. It was the most magical place. I often wonder if I will ever feel that way again. Will this place be the same? Or is this all magic because it could ever only happen once? These days, when I want to feel peace, there isn’t a place I travel to physically. I put on this film and I watched how beautiful it all was. This place is where I first started living. I see it anytime I feel lost and alone. I remember that it was real, that it was perfect. A record of our youth. I know one day I will arrive there again, open my eyes and breathe as if it is the first time. It may be different, but I know that the peace these moments gave me will inevitably find me again. Maybe in different people, in different seasons, but I know I’ll recognize its presence. A glimmer in the gaze of someone sitting across from me or a song playing over the speakers as I wait for my order. We’re inextricably tied together through memories of the past and through the visions of my future.

    Sincerely yours,


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    • This is truly amazing, Brynn. It is so rare that a person can find a place that brings them so much pleasure and peace. My favorite part of your writing would be when you said ” I know one day I will arrive there again, open my eyes and breathe as if it is the first time.” This sentence is very inspirational because returning to the place that…read more

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  • Where Peace Finds Me

    In protected spaces, where judgments cease,
    I find the solace of endless peace.
    No filters, no masks, just being me,
    Accepted wholly, unconditionally.

    When my needs are met, and love is near,
    Fed with care, asked how I fare,
    In those deep inquiries, I see,
    A peace that binds, that sets me free.

    When my voice is heard, opinions shared,
    With those who listen, who truly care,
    Reciprocating this sacred space,
    Peace wraps around with gentle grace.

    In the freedom of my written lines,
    Like calmest waves, my spirit shines,
    Singing, dancing, to any tune,
    My body moves, my soul in bloom.

    As the sun greets me with a thousand kisses,
    Thanking me for shared moments and misses,
    Nature whispers, “Welcome back, friend,”
    After months of rain, where droughts end.

    My body thanks me for the love I give,
    Patiently waiting, learning to live,
    In harmony with myself, once more,
    Peace finds me at my very core.

    When family strives and thrives each day,
    Making small changes along the way,
    Working harmoniously, hand in hand,
    To serve our God, our community, our land.

    Pouring first into our hearts so true,
    In love and effort, we find anew,
    The peace that blossoms from within,
    Loving properly, through thick and thin.

    To know peace is to know oneself,
    A treasure greater than worldly wealth,
    In knowing me, in loving right,
    Peace is my dawn, my guiding light

    AL Galvin

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    • Andrea, this is amazing!! I absolutely love the line you wrote that said “To know peace is to know oneself” because it is so true, and not many people realize that! Peace doesn’t have to be a specific time or place, peace can come from within you! Once you make peace with yourself, you can make peace in every activity you complete for the rest of…read more

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  • Way Out There

    light rippled petals
    rhododendron across springs
    is that a heron,
    way out there?
    there’s a petal on its beak.
    to a quiet mind
    it takes flight, bringing
    Her pattern to my fingers,
    unison within vision
    She diffuses her petals
    I connect them in new space
    and we reconcile
    across blank and graphite page

    Leo Gentry

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    • This is a very unique poem, Leo! Nature can be so relaxing and I am happy that you have found a way to connect to it in a way that inspires you creatively. My favorite line of yours would have to be when you said “I connect them in new space” because it shows how innovative and special you are! Not everyone has this kind of connection to nature,…read more

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    • I agree with Harper. Nature can be so relaxing. It really is the simple things in life. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Let Your Peace Shine Through! ❤️

    Peace may be a place
    Peace is sometimes a feeling
    It can even hit me in a certain space
    I had to be willing
    Willing to let myself feel free
    Indulge in that state of mind
    There is a lot of beauty to see
    To embrace that peace you are seeking to find
    Sometimes, it’s the sound of waves that hit the
    Or the breathtaking scenery while taking a stroll along the park
    I love the stars shining bright in the dark
    At times, it’s a goal finally in reach
    No matter where you are in your life
    Seek what makes you feel at peace
    I had to let go of the strife in my life
    Reminding my self of the beauty around me to fill that missing piece

    Lyndsey Collison

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    • Lyndsey, I love this poem!! Peace is such a fascinating thing in that everyone has a different opinion and idea about it. Whether your peace is found in a certain emotional state, a place that you visit, or an experience that you have had, everyone should strive to find it! I love the line “No matter where you are in your life” because peace can…read more

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    • Lyndsey, I love how you say you have to be willing! That’s so true. You have to open yourself up, connect to peace, and lean into it to actually feel it. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you! Yes, I learned this recently! I have been going through a journey of self-love this year and finding peace! It has been a great year of personal growth!

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  • ojoyus1 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At PeaceWrite A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 3 months, 2 weeks ago

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