

  • Living My Dream

    Like most people, I struggled to figure out what I wanted to do in life. I dabbled in a lot of industries any where from food service to armed security and everything in between. What always stood out to me is doing hair and makeup. I’ve always loved making others feel good about themselves, because I always haven’t myself. What initially inspired me, is I am a domestic violence survivor, so I wanted others to always look in the mirror and love their reflection. As I was going to finally take the leap and enroll at 24 years old, my youngest child was diagnosed with cancer at 3. If that was heartbreaking enough, her full diagnosis was stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma. Fully focusing the next few years on her treatment and getting her better, I had to put my aspirations on hold. Not only was her journey physically, mentally and emotionally draining, I also had two older children as well. I didn’t get to see them often due to hospital admissions. While going through her treatment. Though very difficult as a mother, I learned a lot as well. To be patient, more empathetic than I was and that I still very much wanted to do hair and makeup. Now the added inspiration was to learn to make wigs for children free of charge. After she completed treatment I had to get back into the workforce because I hadn’t worked for so long and at the time was a single mother, so I still left my aspirations on the back burner. In 2020 my daughter celebrated 5 years remission. My train of thought was “5 years is HUGE, now mama can go back to school!” I was 30 years old now and enrolled in cosmetology school. Being one of the oldest in class I felt so out of place. The programs was 12 months and it was hard to go full time and miss my kids. There were several times I wanted to quit because juggling it all was trying. 2021, I graduated and became I licensed Master Cosmetologist. I never thought I would do it because from being a teen mom, surviving domestic violence to my daughters cancer journey, I either lost my confidence completely or though my time was up. I didn’t quit and my children couldn’t be more proud and I am proud of me too. Now not only do I get to do what I love everyday, I still kept my promise to the reasoning behind my inspiration. My children are obviously number one. But to any domestic violence survivor, I give makeovers and any child or adult battling cancer who wishes to have a wig I make them and both services are free of charge!

    Chelsie Morrell

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow Chelsie! You are amazing. I am so glad that your daughter is doing so well now. That is so wonderful. And I am so happy you never gave up on your dream and you are using your talents to help others! I am so inspired by you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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