  • chatterboxinthemaking submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 7 months ago

    A Cycle (Con't) By ChatterBox

    A self-inflicting cycle perpetuated by

    A cycle

    A generational trauma passed on by

    A cycle

    A repetition of patterns not noticed by

    A cycle

    A blind eye on poor behavior caused by

    A cycle

    A need to heal and break the patterns caused by

    A cycle

    A slip on words dissociated in a traumatic moment by

    A cycle

    A combination of fight, flight, freeze, fawn caused by

    A cycle

    A history that needs to be learned and understood to prevent

    A cycle

    A poem that will one day encourage others to break

    A cycle

    A reason to show yourself the utmost respect is from

    A cycle

    A lack of understanding yourself for being trapped in

    A cycle

    As I learn myself, I realize that I deserve the utmost respect after being caught in,

    A cycle

    A need to respect myself to not be caught in,
    A cycle.


    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • You are so right. It is so easy to let life be controlled by the cycles of your environment. That awareness will take you far in terms of breaking any negative cycles and paving your own path. I really appreciate the insightfulness of this piece. Thank you for sharing. <3Lauren

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    • I’m genuinely moved by this; thanks for sharing it.

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    • BEAUTIFUL!!! This piece was such an awesome one Chatterbox. You captured how the most part of my 2023 has concluded in the night time. My favorite letter thus far! I commend you for wanting to break the cycle.
      ‘A slip on words dissociated in a traumatic moment by
      A cycle.”
      That is my life when I am in social settings and I am working so hard to break that cycle.
      Thank you so so much for sharing!!

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