  • charthepoet submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    Toxic Masculinity

    I felt unsafe the other day as I was getting to know someone new
    He demanded to know my body count and said the number determined my value

    In the same breath he stated that he his intentions were to sleep with me… but hadn’t he just made it clear that me doing so would lessen me?

    The definition of audacity.
    I chuckled internally at the absurdity…
    I think he really thought things were going his way
    That is to say, he was blinded by his conceit
    His lack of self-awareness was elite.

    He never even asked if the attraction was mutual
    as if I didn’t have a choice, or as if hearing no was unusual.

    If that wasn’t shocking enough, he added insult to injury
    When I asked if he ever hit a woman and he said I only slapped her a bit you see
    I believe he had some excuse for it, but to be honest, I was in disbelief

    When did being woman begin to mean that we are simply objects, tools, or things.
    My Spidey senses were tingling, and I knew I had to disengage
    my survival senses were on overdrive as I attempted to get away

    And As he was spewing his hateful rhetoric aggressively, I had already shut down mentally.
    I smiled politely and said okay
    I guess he thought I’d have more to say

    His disappointment with my lack of quarrel was evident.
    But I’m not the type to get dragged into squabbles with an irrelevant regurgitating unintelligence.

    No sudden movements back away slowly and remember if cornered scream.
    But All those precautions followed to a T
    still can’t always protect a woman from toxic masculinity.

    Women around the world face this daily
    Some get a chance to survive but a lot aren’t so lucky.
    I wish for a place where my sex is valued as much as any mans
    and a I don’t have to feel afraid because of an appendage I lack

    I just want my daughter to know
    That I helped create a world safe for her to grow
    That she won’t be attacked because she’s a she
    Or expected to fill a role
    that she doesn’t want to be

    I wish for her to grow up in a world without toxic masculinity


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    • Wow. This speaks volumes. Your poem is so powerful with meaning. I wish for a world where women are valued like men and respected. Thank you so much for sharing.

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    • Char!!!! This is so good. I am so sorry you encountered such a jerk. He is also clearly a moron. But this is so well written, and you make so many valid points. I am glad you disengaged and stood your ground. Your strength and reaction hopefully encourage him to reevaluate himself. But a world without toxic masculinity would be so much safer and so much more peaceful for women. Thank you for sharing this powerful piece! <3 Lauren

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