  • candacelade007 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    I love myself.. just Cause!

    Love is the most precious state of being. We are the best when we operate from love. I love myself through and through, day in and day out. I’ve fallen in love with aspects of myself that I’ve buried deep within. Instead of ignoring it, I face those shadows with the eyes of love and grace. I love myself because I give myself permission to fully understand just who I am. I am love at my core and everyone around me is love— this I know for sure.

    I love myself just because
    I love my spirit and the way I interact with those around me

    From a genuine hello to a warm smile
    I walk around embodying this precious state called Love
    I nurture myself in the midst of love and I’m not afraid to set boundaries for myself. This too is an act of love.

    By loving and accepting yourself within, you’ll find love everywhere in the world. I love myself just because.. and you should too! I love you!

    Candace Lade’ Hall

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    • I really love the idea of loving yourself just because. I wrote a poem about this prompt just for fun and that’s exactly what I wrote about! We don’t need long lists of why we deserve love from ourselves; we are love! We’re all love and this poem is a beautiful reminder of that 🙂

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    • You are so right. You should not and do not need a resume to justify your love for yourself. You should love yourself just cause. Such a solid and important message. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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