
camimack's Letters

Dear Ideal Me

Dear Ideal Me,

At seven years old, we wanted to be a dancer.
At ten, a singer.
At thirteen, a lawyer.
At sixteen, we weren’t sure we wanted to be alive.
At twenty we became a wife.
At twenty-one, a mom.
At twenty-three our entire world view changed and the things we thought we wanted, we don’t.
I don’t care about being rich.
I don’t…read more

I can't believe I made it this far

Dear Teenage Cami,
No, there’s nothing wrong with you.
You aren’t broken.
You didn’t fail.
It wasn’t your fault.
When the people meant to protect you are the ones that hurt you, you’re left to flounder and you’ll grasp onto anyone who says they can pull you from the depths.
But not everyone with a life preserver had good intentions.…read more

I was _ when...

Dear Unsealers,
I was eight when I realized my body wasn’t the same as my friends’. That the way our dance costume looked on me, was completely different than the way it looked on them. It was the first time I started hating my body.
“You’ll thin out as you get older.”
I was nine when my mom took me to get my first training bra and explained…read more

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