  • biancajadan submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter telling the world about what makes you strongWrite a letter telling the world about what makes you strong 1 years, 1 months ago

    I Show Up

    Strength. Often associated with physicality.
    As human beings, are we not more than our physical bodies?
    Do we not have moments of pure emotion that engulf our minds from time to time in this life?
    Strength. Often associated with physicality, not limited to it.
    Mental chatter- it can get LOUD.
    So loud that the body at times fights submission to the mind.
    Stopping, preventing, or slowing down the process of what we known serves our greater good.
    So, if you ask me what makes me strong? I’ll tell you.
    That I show up.
    I show up on the days I feel 100%
    I show up on the days I don’t feel I have anything to give.
    I honor my body always, but I never allow my mental chatter to have the final word.
    I allow myself to feel the full spectrum of emotions that comes with being a human being.
    There is strength in this.
    By doing so, not only am I providing reinforcement to myself, but, in doing so
    I am paving the path for others to show up for themselves as well.
    And that my friends, is often times the strongest thing I can do- show up and being present.
    Show up for you, and for those who can benefit from your light. We are all stars.
    Show up on the good days,
    Show up on the bad days, and the many in between.
    Even when my mind attempts to sway me otherwise…I show up.

    Bianca Jadan

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    • Bianca, I love your message. This part is my favorite, I “I show up on the days I feel 100%
      I show up on the days I don’t feel I have anything to give.
      I honor my body always, but I never allow my mental chatter to have the final word.” I think most os success and even happiness is simply showing up for life. Showing up for moments. Showing up for yourself. Keep showing up. I am excited to see where life takes you. Greatness is ahead. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren! Your response made my day. Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate you. Thank you for also being a bright light by creating such a unique and fun platform/community. I have always wanted to share my words but never felt other social platforms have been able to so specifically connect me to the individuals that I know will resonate with and benefit from my words. You have provided that space! Thank you for reading and connecting. Peace and Love. <3

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    • Bianca, I love how reliable you are. It is such a great strength to have. My favorite line is “Show up on the good days,
Show up on the bad days, and the many in between.” Not many people show up on their bad days but you never know if a person can brighten their light from a dim situation.

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      • Kayjah! What a beautiful name! My heart and spirit is so full knowing that my words resonate with you. It is indeed simple, but not easy, to show up on our bad days. But one thing is for certain that has at least been my personal truth- I have never regretted waking up, and showing up. Even on the days I felt I had nothing within me emotionally nor mentally to want to move my physical body. Because it is on those very days that whether we are conscious of it or not, we appreciate all the LITTLE things that go “right” or feel good, and our very awareness and sensitivity to this goodness (even if it’s simply the person next to us at the red light smiling at us), more often than not, changes the course of feeling that we perceive the day has to offer to us. If we take the change and don’t allow our feeling (or lack there of) to dictate the energy we bring into our day, the creator of words grants grace to those brave enough to move forward, or rather, to show up!!! The momentum speeds up and the way we felt in the morning is simply that- the way we felt in the morning. Instead of allowing that feeling in the morning to be the precursor and the foreshadowing of the energy I allow to fester throughout the day. My willingness to show up, dissipates that strong sense of what I refer to as “discord”. Only if I show up, does the greater part of me, allow the privilege to experience that pivot throughout my day. I encourage you and everyone who reads this, to give yourself that extra push, sometimes our actions must recede the way we feel. We must be that change at times to make things go from rocky to smooth. Pure grit and steadfast action, is often the catalyst to such a shift. Keep showing up, Queen!! Peace and Love. <3

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    • You are so inspiring. I relate my life to being a mom often because as a mother you have to show up for your children even when you’re sick. You’re so strong thank you for sharing.

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