  • bazerk submitted a contest entry to Group logo of How are you changing the world?How are you changing the world? 12 months ago

    Lotus Flower

    Sprouting from an inner spring of perennial joy and goodness, my benevolent heart now approaches each season full of love and forgiveness.
    The mistakes of yesterday are not brought into today, for I hang my charismatic smile on yesterday’s lessons being the reason why tomorrow’s a better day.
    Following the pious impressions of a Yogi enabled me to stumble upon meditation, unveiling an “inner world” only seen through one “eye.”
    Tracing my own footsteps back to the beginning of “spiritual oneness”; my spiritual center, allowed me to discover a world teeming with tranquility and bliss.
    Forfeiting “two eyes” for one did not come at a cost. Instead, I profited from: heightened awareness, in-depth intuition, clairvoyance, and enhanced telepathic abilities, but most importantly. I gained the ability to “see.”
    Before meditation, my life was a mess. The “outside world” often made me depressed. Feeling as if my life was being tossed about like a boat under duress during high seas; nearly dashed against the jagged rocks. The dark rain clouds of depression often gave way to doubt, pouring more coal into the burning open furnace of my fears and insecurities.
    Persistent meditation became my mental hygiene, brushing away my depression, doubts, fears, and insecurities; cultivating a flourishing mental garden from an overflowing fountain of Self-Love. Now, the “outside world” doesn’t affect me quite as much as it once did. I can only thank meditation for becoming my savior; a life raft I can cast perpetually to save myself from life’s high seas.
    Meditation taught me that we cannot change other people! We weren’t put here to! We can only change ourselves! But a kind wide-smile, empathetic listening, or gentle words of encouragement can be a lantern of hope during someone’s darkest days.
    I was born a conscientious person with a credulous nature and a pure heart, almost unfit for a world orbiting in reverse. In the early days of my life, I did not fair too well for having such noble qualities. In my later years, meditation showed me that I was born to be a king: ordained to help create a better world from the overflowing cup of goodness existing inside of me.
    These days, butterflies flutter past me closely, hummingbirds levitate nearby, dogs are overzealous to greet me, and little children hurry to hug me at the knees. Maybe it’s my innocence. Perhaps I appear luminous, finally unafraid to reveal my light to the world.

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • Love love this. You are right, you were born to be a king. And your kind soul is an instrument of change. I want to learn more about meditating. I hear it does wonders!!!! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being you! <3Lauren

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      • Hello Lauren, thank you for offering such high praise and recognition for my work. I really appreciate it. When I wrote Lotus Flower, my intentions were to illustrate a significant personal experience; a life changing one, in hopes to help people realize the power of self-healing. Judging by your glowing response, I was able to capture my purest intentions with Lotus Flower. Helping people recognize their inherent ability to heal themselves or walk them down the path of self-healing via meditation is my most important mission here on Earth. 🪷🧘🏽‍♂️✨️

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    • Meditation is powerful. That type of mind peace is incredible. I need to really learn how to get back to that. I love a holistic change theory and learning to let go of burdens that you did not create. Thank you for sharing your scope of things. 🙂

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