  • bazerk submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

    Truth Serum

    It’s no secret! Everywhere we turn, everywhere we look; we are being lied to. As I lay on a thorny bed of lies forced to endure my racing beta thoughts. Grief struck me with the force of lightning, for my thoughts once naively lain upon the idea that the people running the world would never deceive us.
    Elected officials are akin to the wagging tails and sloppy tongues on happy, goofy dogs; and world leaders share the same thing in common: They all have a serpent’s tongue. Media syndicates cause more devastation than nuclear weapons, weaponized to disseminate fear and upload subliminal messages, hacking into our subconscious minds with rogue viruses.
    Due to social programming (conditional programming), change is not so easy for most people, but change is what the world needs to see. Changes in: Governments, politics, economics, and our legal systems are long overdue. Perhaps the reason why change is so hard for most people: It requires them to reprogram their minds to look at the ugly truth. Most people would rather look the other way than face change.
    Change is removing the knife that was stuck in Malcolm X’s “back 9 inches” from our legal systems, and implementing ways for citizens to heal. Instead, the same bloody knife is left in everyone’s back 6 inches deep, impeding progress, causing citizens to bleed profusely from their unhealed wounds.
    Propagandists feed us innocent truths, obscuring a host of nefarious lies. They tell us fluoride protects our teeth, but it severely calcifies our pineal glands and fogs our brains. Globalists make insidious claims about chemtrails being harmless or how they curtail global warming, yet chemtrails are laced with undisclosed toxic chemicals; killing us off and controlling our minds. Although misinformation is seen as something more forgivable than disinformation, depending on the news sources or sources of information, all lies can be spun as the truth.
    Real change is giving citizens the power to stop Derrick Chauvin while he had his knee firmly pressed on George Floyd’s neck and spine, suffocating him to death. Real change is removing authoritative power from the unscrupulous grip of Governments and putting it back into the hands of the people. Real change is treating people fairly and equally because they are human beings, not just because they identify as LGBTQ.
    If you ask me, everyone can see the necessity for change in the world, but it’s before they realize “they must be the change they want to see.” Then, most people take a step back or revoke their original stance on change. There can be no change until people take a sobering look at themselves and do what they can to make a difference in the world. Unquestionably, what must change in the world is simple! There need not be anymore Top Secrets and we must stop being lied to. Lied to by our Governments; lied to by politicians; lied to by physicians; lied to by philanthropic organizations like the WHO. Lies! Lies! Lies! Like rotting flesh in a bag being sold as fresh meat at full price.

    Antonio De’mon Robinson

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    • I have always said it takes a tragedy to change people’s minds on what they believe. It’s always been that way. By the time they realize that they need to be the change it’s so bad that the pivot and walk the other way.

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      • Hello Mavis,
        I appreciate your patience in waiting for my reply, as I’ve been a tad bit too busy for my liking lately. At any rate, I couldn’t agree with you more. Once people realize the world needs to take a massive shift in direction, or the necessity to completely change the course of humanity. It’s nearly too late because we have been traveling in the wrong direction for centuries. Imagine a massive battleship filled with angry citizens on course to attack the enemy. Suddenly, they realize that the enemy is already 10 steps ahead of them. Changing course now would mean battling through all of the traps the enemy has set before them, which admittedly, is something most people would be reluctant to do, especially if they realize that they have been aiding the enemy or have become the enemy without even knowing it! You are the mirror and the reflection in it! (Rumi)

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    • Antonio, I can feel your passion as your read this. I so agree that the world needs so much change, and each one of us need to be a part of that change. There is so much that has happened in our society that systematically should have never been able to occur in the first place. And we need to not let that keep happening over and over. Thank you for sharing your voice with us. <3 Lauren

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      • Hello Lauren,
        you are most welcome. I want to thank you for creating a platform in which people can express themselves openly and freely without being subjected to censorship (within reason), or become a subject of oppression. In the hands of each and every American citizen resides the power for change, but how is this possible when people are so easily divided, fooled, and manipulated? The irony of it all is how much power and influence “the few” have over the majority of people. We must unite in order to be the change that we want to see.

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