

  • You

    The moon and stars
    The comets that sweep the sky
    The sun that rises in the morning

    The deer that play in the fog
    The birds singing in the morning sun
    The bugs doing their best day by day

    My dog who greets me everyday
    My cat who meows at every given chance
    My family that supports us

    The love and support you give me
    The quiet days and the playful days with you
    The smile you give me when things are okay

    But most of all, you.
    You make me grateful.

    Ashelyn Knight

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    • Aww Ashelyn, It is so important to be grateful for the little things in life. But having gratitude for you and all you offer yourself and the world is of the utmost importance. I am so glad you recognize that. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • I Am Human

    Respect. It can be a tricky concept sometimes… but I deserve respect because out of the 8.1 billion people who live on this beautiful planet, I am undeniably unique. I am 1 of 8.1 billion. I may look, act, see, and talk differently, but I am still human. I deserve the same respect as the homeless man living under a bridge. I deserve the same respect as the richest CEO on Earth. Because I am human. I breathe the same air as my neighbor. I drink the same water as my enemy. I sleep under the same night sky as everyone else on this planet. I get sick just like everyone else, and eventually, I too will die as the cycle of life will take over as mother nature intended. All because I am human.

    Ashelyn Knight

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    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Aww, you are so right. You deserve respect simply for being you! I love it. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren.

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