  • aisatheauthor submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 7 months ago

    (I) Respect Me

    (I) Respect Me


    Who deserves it?

    Why me?

    I’ll be the first to admit I’ve quit.
    And go as far as to confess
    what a mess I’ve made.

    Because see,

    there’s no amount of grit that guarantees
    I’ll be met with respect of any degree.

    The more I learn the more I’ll earn–
    it was only a matter of time
    before it’d be my turn.

    Or so they said.
    Then-convinced, I complied

    in the name of getting ahead.

    And cliche as it may sound
    That was then and this is now.

    Presently, I make countless donations
    to the cause that is me.

    I know now that I don’t need a destination–
    what I need is to be free,
    let go of expectations.

    So I honor this affinity for creation I’ve long felt–
    bringing the unimaginable to life through self expression.
    I assign meaning–

    they meet me–

    to the real me.

    Some they disagree
    in silence.
    Others plea–

    grounded by old beliefs
    like roots of a tree.
    But that could never be me.

    So how does one get to be respected?
    They don’t.

    They won’t.

    I don’t.
    And won’t.

    Not unless or until
    I am free to be me–
    even if they don’t agree.

    Tomorrow’s a new day–
    another chance.

    So, I’ll rest
    and the rest
    will fall into place.

    You see,

    that’s the key.

    It always was and it always will be.

    I am worth it.
    Why not me?

    And now you’ve found out what it means
    to me–

    why I “deserve” it.

    Aisa Mrkulic

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Dear Aisa,
      You are a strong person and I am sure you will achieve your goals. Good luck on your journey of self-acceptance.


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    • This is so fantastic and powerful (and something I needed to hear right now):

      So, I’ll rest
      and the rest
      will fall into place.

      You see,

      that’s the key.

      It always was and it always will be.

      Thank you for inspiring me. This piece is incredible. <3 Lauren

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    • Your piece is truly exceptional, thank you for sharing it!

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    • You deserve it and so much more! Thank you for your true and heartfelt feelings. Often times we hide behind so much pain that we ourselves don’t seem to know our true selves. I struggle with this constantly.
      Thank you for being authentic.
      “Presently, I make countless donations
      to the cause that is me.”
      WHEWWWW!! That was a word!! One that I will take heed and repeat to myself often!! Because we can’t pour from an empty cup at all.
      Thank you for sharing. Wishing you an abundance of love, light and respect! 🙂

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