
80hdsole's Letters



It was a perfect day. Full of bliss and uninterrupted catalysts.
No walls and no towers, just ancient trees and clustered flowers.
The sun was our only light, and soon come the moon to announce the night.
But on this day, in this space, we can bathe in the rays.
We can exist until the day chooses to desist, we can lay in the place mother nature…read more

Voting ends on December 4, 2024 12:00am

Inner Me

How you go? I go by Sole. That’s S-O-L-E like the shoes on ya feet. Now repeat after me: “I am worthy of a peaceful and prosperous life. I deserve to be free.”

Man, fuck your worth, I deserve peace! I’m the one out here in these streets. I’m the one sacrificing my dreams. I’m the one neglected, forced to feel defeat over and over and over, on…read more

Voting ends on September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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