Here are the moments from the pandemic I want you to remember

To: My daughters Kamryn and Krosby

From: Ashley Walls

To my daughters Kamryn and Krosby,

Growing up, I was the oldest of three and I had a close relationship with my siblings. When I found out I was pregnant with you, Krosby, I was so excited. We had been trying for you, our second baby, for a long time. But now, the two of you are seven years apart. I’ve read that if siblings are more than seven years apart, they each feel more like an only child.

It makes sense. Before COVID, the two of you were in completely different stages of life and involved in different activities. Kamryn, you played basketball and joined Girl Scouts. Also, you constantly had playdates with your friends. Krosby, you were going with me to music classes and Mommy’s Morning Out. With your own rooms and your own lives, you each co-existed, but you never had to be friends.

With your own rooms and your own lives, you each co-existed, but you never had to be friends.

Then, last March, our world got turned upside down. No more playdates. No more basketball. No more music classes. No more going to school. Just like everyone else, our family went into lockdown mode as the coronavirus began to spread through the country.

When the pandemic started, Krosby, you were only two. So you didn’t understand what was going on or why you couldn’t see your friends. Kamryn, you were nine, and you were worried about your grandparents and your dad, who has pre-existing conditions. It was a tough and stressful time for all of us. But even so, we still made so many memories that I hope you hold on to forever. 

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Krosby, you tried some of the big-kid games. You rode your scooter with Kamryn. The two of you got in water balloon fights. And you climbed up that big tree in our backyard and called it a fort.  Back in November, when Kamryn fell off her scooter, we all went to the doctor together.  We were there for an hour and Krosby, you are usually all over the place, but you sat there quietly the entire time. You kept your mask on. Somehow you recognized the seriousness of the situation and allowed me to devote all of my energy to Kamryn, who broke her arm in two places. Krosby, you showed a level of maturity that amazed me.

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Lauren talks about how we all can relate to Kamryn and Krosby. You must be a subscriber to watch this video.

Also, this year we couldn’t have birthday parties for either one of you. Your birthdays are five days apart in December. So, we rented a cabin. It had a fire pit and a nearby petting zoo. They had rope swings and your grandparents met us there to go snow tubing – a fun socially-distanced activity. While it wasn’t how we’d typically spend your birthdays, we made the most of it.

This last year certainly has not been perfect. Some days were really hard and less than fun.  We probably watched way too much TV. While I, like so many other moms, am ready to move on from this pandemic, I do want you two to remember that when the world shut down, your mom and dad did their best and all of our decisions came from a place of love. I hope you realize that your parents and your grandparents will always be there for you no matter what. And lastly, I truly hope you never forget that regardless of the years that separate you, there is so much love and happiness when you two spend time together.

I love you both,


Mom (Ashley Walls)
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