  • noemis88 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your ideal selfWrite a letter to your ideal self 6 months, 1 weeks ago



    How do you do it?
    How do you remain so calm while there is a raging sea inside of you?
    How do you always seem to respond with gentleness & understanding when your instincts tell you to react with anger & loudness?
    How do you remember your love for others’ in the midst and above the pain they’ve caused you?
    How do you keep yourself from letting the paint consume you & turning you into a cold & mean-spirited person?

    I want to be like you.
    I want to remain vulnerable & soft to those around me.
    I want to welcome new people into my life without fear -without apprehension.

    When I look into your eyes, I feel warm inside.
    Your warmth emits so bright & it makes me feel safe.
    Sometimes I forget all the heartbreak you’ve been through; the loss of long time friendship & short lived love.
    When I remember, I am in awe of you.
    I’m in awe of your strength and endurance.

    Noemí stay as you are.
    Continue to be the adventurous, silly, bold & ambitious person that you are.
    You have a love life & people that is contagious.

    I admire & cherish you deeply.
    Thank you for loving me exactly as I am.

    I love you,

    Noemi Sanchez

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    • Noemi! This piece is so sweet and so fantastic. I love this part:

      “Noemí stay as you are.
      Continue to be the adventurous, silly, bold & ambitious person that you are.
      You have a love life & people that is contagious.

      I admire & cherish you deeply.”

      Keep loving yourself, and never change that positive sweet soul of yours. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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