  • ama submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your ideal selfWrite a letter to your ideal self 6 months, 1 weeks ago

    Hey There

    Hey there Higher Self,
    Have you placed yourself back on the highest shelf?
    Aware of all the life lived below you?
    Have you practiced self help?
    Or redefined yourself ?
    And have you allowed yourself to step into all your glory?
    It’s nice to talk to you.
    And see that you’ve made your dreams come true
    Past the mundane, the afraid, and the judgement
    I see how hard you work
    And how you get up when it hurts
    Because you know your spirit within is what guides you
    You try everyday to be your very best
    You have goals you have set
    And some you have & haven’t met
    But never do you let them deter you
    There are things you have to learn from
    And lessons.. you ought to earn some
    Before you can trek on to what’s before you.
    It’s all in Gods timing
    So just keep on grinding
    Because this best you will be something un-defining
    So don’t give up, or beat yourself up
    For this is something exciting.
    A chance to create
    A chance to escape all the things you left behind you!


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    • This is beautiful, authentic and so genuine. I love this part: “And some you have & haven’t met
      But never do you let them deter you”

      You give yourself grace in this piece but also set the bar high and pursue life with confidence. I absolutely love it. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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