  • amswriteronfire submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter about leaving your comfort zoneWrite a letter about leaving your comfort zone 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Fragile Footsteps

    Dear You,

    It’s the first step that’s the hardest.
    Remember that
    The next time you’re asked
    To step outside of that
    Lovely little box
    The walls of which
    You so desperately cling to

    It’s the first mile of a
    Thousand-mile journey
    That moment when you
    Swallow your fears
    And swallow your pride
    Put your hands on the wheel
    And Just drive
    So that by the time you land in London
    Alone and totally free
    You’re no longer shackled to the
    What Ifs
    And the Should haves

    It’s the first wobbly step away from
    That job that’s always defined you
    It’s that first moment you realize
    This just
    That moment you walk away into
    The darkness of the unknown
    And just keep walking
    One foot in front of the other
    So that by the time you arrive on the other side
    You wonder why you were ever scared
    In the first place

    And it’s that first tentative step towards telling your truth
    Stepping outside of that safe, secure box you’ve built
    Walls of secrets plastered in shame
    Built up around your soul
    For protection and concealment.

    It’s that step up onto the witness stand,
    That shaky hand on the Bible
    The first question: Who are you?
    And you respond, shaky but certain
    I am victim. I am survivor.
    I am one and the same
    And though I feel fear,
    I will no longer shrink at the sound
    of my own voice.

    Just remember, sweet girl –
    The first step is never easy.
    But one step can lead to two
    And three and four
    Multiplied by Momentum
    So that soon you are
    And you can’t be stopped
    And when you come face to face with darkness again
    The inevitable unfamiliar path
    That fated cliffs edge
    You whisper to yourself
    A gentle reminder

    It will only get easier from here


    Anna M Smith

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    • Anna, this is so true: “Just remember, sweet girl –
      The first step is never easy.
      But one step can lead to two
      And three and four”

      I always procrastinate taking that first step, and then when I finally do the second and third steps come so much more easily.

      So much truth in this piece. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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