  • karmasdreaming submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your ideal selfWrite a letter to your ideal self 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Picture Quintessential

    You’re perfect just the way you are.
    Such a cliche that has made it thus far.
    Who would I be without all the stigmas?
    A sexy, fierce chick without bodies to count.
    A million dollar female not asking for handouts.
    Names of a breeder b**** or rag for bodily fluids will be silenced.
    A deeper meaning to a survivor embedded.
    Laying down my armor, replaced by unity.
    Revolution is near.
    Remove all the anxiety when I take the stage.
    Perhaps, I am eager for the outcome they say.
    Postpartum will no longer haunt me, the demons in my head no longer taunt me.
    Full of life with only angels guiding me, rather than fighting the noise from the negativities trying to down me.
    Still always picking the yang.
    To boot as a woman, we’re the yin, so a little bird sang.
    Titles given by man would be thrown out.
    In this ideal world full of bliss.
    Every worry taken care of.
    A village for my littles.
    No more irritability that cripples.
    Don’t you change a thing, beautiful celestial being.
    Fix your mindset to attract these things.
    So the little bird sings.
    Remember, you’re perfect just the way you are.
    A cliche that has made it thus far.


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    • Karma! This is beautiful! You are so right. You are perfect just the way you are. This piece screams to me, “I am strong. World, get the F out my way.” That is the kind of power you have. Believe it. Live it. And use it to go after anything and everything you want in life. You’ve got the power to reach all your dreams. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. Happy Holidays <3 Lauren

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