  • karmasdreaming submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter about leaving your comfort zoneWrite a letter about leaving your comfort zone 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Comfort Inn, Vacate

    Three steps forward, 10 steps back.
    Why does it always seem that commodities I lack?
    I strap that pack to my body and fix my crown.
    For leaving a place of comfort never comes sound.
    Leaping into a world so unknown, praying on an outcome better than my own.
    Some think it’s trivial, yet a place so brutal can never be.
    I opened up to social media, ready for attacks for being me.
    Sharing my truth, my humor and more.
    Haters, scams and fans galore!
    Persecuted for sharing my peace, adored for being just me.
    The fright this put into me seemed quite silly.
    However, the attacks I’ve received in the past makes them a plea.
    An outcast in high school, but loved it.
    I connected with the nerds, the goths, the misfits you see.
    10 steps forward, three steps back.
    Your slant is now what I lack.
    For leaving a place of comfort to follow your path will always be bound.


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    • Karma! I love this! Let the haters hate. You keep being you and doing you. Keep following your path. You are an absolute star. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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