  • bakerdeandrea94icloud-com submitted a contest entry to Group logo of How are you changing the world?How are you changing the world? 9 months, 1 weeks ago

    PSO: I am not a World Changer!

    How am I changing the world?
    The real question is what makes you think
    Me of all people… One being.
    Has the power to do so?
    I ain’t no Jesus.
    I can’t be a savior.
    I can’t change the world.
    But I can elevate my mind
    and change my behavior.

    The world is cruel.
    We all just wear our
    rose colored glasses.
    And say we go to the
    “beat of our own drum”
    yet we still comment, like, follow and subscribe
    in masses.
    we still have to be hip with the latest trend
    and we so easily give into the fleshly pleasures and desires
    of sin.

    The world is a conundrum of infinite paradoxes
    and flexible morals that produce infinite quarrels.
    It’s always, “Be Left or Right”, no in between.
    Like thinking for oneself is a forgotten
    right and a lost thing.

    I can try to change the world.
    But I always heard that the
    “nail that sticks out will be hammered down”
    Honestly who really wants the world to change?
    I have been told it is as pointless
    as chasing the wind and fighting the rain.
    Many can assemble and try to fight for what’s right.
    But i was told it is like being stranded in the middle of the ocean
    with no land in sight;
    You Scream for help as pools or sharks
    surround you ready to take a bite.
    Who said the world needs changing?
    How else would we be entertained?
    Who would we be able to blame when we don’t get it right?
    Who’s fault will it be?

    I know you think I am a cynic.
    A Debby Downer, Negative Nancy, or Boo-Hoo Betty.
    Or at least someone who is pessimistic and petty.
    But I just wanted to keep it real.
    This is the world we are talking about.

    I am a black woman.
    My life is assigned different cheap thrills.
    If we are popping pills,
    Would you choose red or blue?
    To see or not to see…
    That’s really the question.
    It comes with answers that are the same yet different.

    Everyone has a different experience.
    Their stories of different yet similar themes and plots.
    It is all about perspective.
    Does the world really need to change?
    Can I be perceptive and state my objective?
    The world constantly changes whether
    I will it or not.
    The best thing I can do is change my
    Behavior, think pure thoughts, and stay in my lane.

    Because somewhere in the world
    The poor will always be poor.
    The sick will always be sick.

    Someone will always be mourning the dead.
    The streets will still run red with the blood of
    innocent and the guilty.
    Gun shots will still fly
    and injustice with be one of the many
    causes of why people die.
    Realistically speaking
    Every effort would be dross
    because there will always be
    the impending doom of chaos.

    But I guess I can still try.

    No one person
    Man, Woman, Boy or Girl
    can change the world.
    But I can ignite my light.
    I can shine bright
    through the darkness.
    be the beckon of light
    that guides the lost home.
    I can make an impact.

    I can be the match
    and light the wick
    for the candles of change.
    or i can be the kerosene
    to keep the light going.
    When the cold of the world is
    extra mean.
    I can keep you warm.
    Nurse your wounds
    if you should ever get harmed.

    My mom gifted me a frame.
    with a quote that said.
    ” Be the change you want to see in the world!”
    To this day it still sits on the side of my bed.

    I can’t change the world.
    But I can choose to love and not to hate.
    Everyone deserves respect.
    That’s no debate.
    I can live righteous
    help strangers
    and if i have the resources
    deliver people out of
    I can be kind
    and choose to not allow the world
    to shut me up or make me blind.
    I can teach the peace that comes in life
    when you abandon sorrow, worry, and anger.
    I can choose to love unconditionally.

    Start a new trend.
    Screaming on the streets
    “Let love in!”
    Because Love has already won
    You just have to knock on the door of victory.
    I ain’t no Harold Melvin
    But i know the world won’t
    get any better. If we let it be.
    I can’t change the world.
    But I can emulate what I hope it to be.
    Because I know I am not going to
    change the entire world
    but I do know that a change can start with me.

    DeAndrea A. Baker

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • DeAndrea, this is so strong and powerful. There is so much evil in the world, I get it. But, as you said, you can be the beginning of change. Your behavior, your choices, and your kindness can have a ripple effect beyond what you will ever know or see. Thank you for sharing your talent, wisdom, and heart with us. <3Lauren

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      • Awwww thank you so much Lauren! It’s an honor to participate and thank you for giving us writers and platform to put ourselves out there! I’m so happy I found you and this community! Can’t wait to keep participating and grow as a writer.

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