  • Drew Too many to count shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 2 years, 1 months ago

    To my mentor:

    Many years ago, I knew I wanted to be a sports reporter. I grew up idolizing the stalwarts like Keith Jackson, James Brown, Jon Miller, et al. But I knew that just naming names wouldn’t even be close to enough.
    When you and I became close friends, you were among the first people to see fire and potential in me. You said it yourself with four brief, yet powerful words: “I believe in you.” This was all I needed to know I had someone in my corner.
    You saw potential in me before a couple of my professors did, and I thank you a million times over for that. Even when I was down on myself, you told me not to worry, as it would eventually turn around. When I was hired as an MMA writer at my first job, you celebrated with me. When I was close to hitting milestone numbers as far as my article count, you were rooting me on.
    When I just wanted to talk about whatever it was that was on my mind, you were among the first people I would email, and it’s for this reason that I look forward to our conversations every single week, even when it seems that I have nothing to talk about.
    As I graduated from Youngstown State and prepared to enter the working world, I asked you to be a reference for my resume. Happily, you said yes, and when I needed a letter of recommendation, I asked you. Happily, you said yes.
    It took me a few years to realize how big of a role you played in my career, but I sat down in my room one night and thought it over.
    Like a right hook from Edgar Berlanga in the Top Rank Boxing ring, it hit me: You, Katie, are my mentor. I’ve always rooted you on, just as you’ve supported me. We’ll always stick up for one another, through the best of times and the worst of times.
    I wouldn’t trade my friendship with you for anything else in the world. It’s invaluable to me. There is no denying that you are the best person I know. You are a talented sports reporter and a true friend.
    Thanks for always being in my corner.

    Drew Zuhosky

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    • This is a very awesome piece Drew. Our dreams sometimes rely on just the right amount support at the right moment in time. It is great that you found that support and Katie and that she receives support back from you.

      While I don’t typically follow MMA sports I do read your articles, one in an attempt to understand the sport better, and two to support someone local to me trying to forge a path within his dreams. Our area sometimes makes our dreams feel almost unreachable, it’s great to see someone on the right path to them. I am sure through your hard work that you will only continue to find more success in the future.

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    • Drew I am glad that you have someone that supports you and became close friends with you through that support. Its always nice to have someone to help motivate you into being the best you there is. You can not find many people today that will be on the same level of friendship that you and Katie are on. The level of support and motivation you guys have together is amazing. I hope you guys will continue to master a long term friendship with an abundant amount of support and love continuously.

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