  • Patrick Stapleton shared a letter in the Group logo of Remembering those we lost/GriefRemembering those we lost/Grief group 1 weeks ago

    Remembering Dani


    How do you comprehend the incomprehensible?

    You were supposed to grow old with us… you weren’t supposed to go at 41. Your light shined too bright to fade out that quickly.

    You accomplished so much in your four decades, but damn it, you had so much more to give…

    The measure of someone’s life is not in the number of their heartbeats, but how many hearts they touched, and Dani, you touched them all!

    Did you leave the world a better place?

    Dani, you most certainly did!

    You truly conquered life and every challenge it threw your way… you were as I had told you, a badass, a warrior, a fighter!

    To paraphrase a famous poem, you did not go gentle into that good night. You raged against the dying of the light!

    You were the person who other people admired and aspired to be like…

    Your smile truly lit up the room and your laugh was contagious … people gravitated to you for that and your kind soul, which, even though you were a ginger, you definitely had, and it was beautiful! I will make sure your amazing soul lives on in everything I do.

    You truly lived the Mrs. Crowther credo…

    Be courageous
    Care for others
    A hero lives in you

    With every heartbeat I’ve got left, I will make you proud, so that when we meet again and embrace, you will know that you were never forgotten.

    Thank you for being you!

    I love you Dani
    I will always miss you
    I will see you again

    Patrick Stapleton

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    • You sister Danielle sounds like she was an incredible human. And while she inspired many while she was here, she will continue to inspire those she left behind as well as many strangers who learn her story through you and others. Thank you for sharing and joining us last night. <3 Lauren

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