  • Vicki Lawana Trusselli shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks, 2 days ago


    Dear Unsealed,

    Kindness is a word.
    Hate is a word.
    Love is a word.
    Like is a word.
    Kindness means kindness.
    Have you heard
    That once you spread the word,
    Kindness spreads all around
    The merry go round
    Of life
    As we work, play, and sleep
    With strife
    Of everyday life?
    The word kind
    Is to help your fellow human beings
    So sublime,
    So kind,
    So ruthless,
    So it seems,
    Kindness would spread like a wildfire,
    Spreads over the mountains & up tall towers
    But there is always someone to try to burst your balloon,
    As you stare at the moon
    Dreaming of smiles and loves and caresses
    Of yesterday’s messes
    And blessings
    One kind word
    I will remember that word & what it meant to me.
    The word
    Will spread,
    like butter on bread
    Eventually the word kind
    Will either form syllables
    From the lips of the sad one
    To blurt out sublime
    So kind
    “Hey you are kind, why?”
    I reply and sigh,
    “You are a unique person among the others of life
    That now smiles,
    Even with a smirk,
    But it is your worth
    As a human being amongst the others of life & strife
    Of tears and joy
    Of joy and pain.
    I will remember you now
    And you asked me how
    With the look in your eyes.
    Your smile made my day
    On a summer day along the way.”
    You look at me grinning from ear to ear
    In this 2024 year,
    I see you now, that is how!

    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

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    • Vicki! Kindness and a mere smile are so powerful. It can go such a long way for someone who needs it. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful piece. Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

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