  • Benjamin Fuller shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months ago

    Signs Of Growth

    Signs that a man has truly grown
    Is when he’s able to see life through eyes not his own
    When he stops chasing after the foolish things he seeks
    And knows when to bridle his tongue and when to speak
    When he is able to quiet his soul
    Walking in temperance and self control
    When he’s willing to forsake his pride and make himself low
    Making himself not a spectacle or show
    When he sees others as greater value than he
    When his hands are shackled, yet his heart remains free
    When he’s able to overcome fear
    And willing to let go of his own life and well being, which many hold dear
    When the desire of his heart is to give
    So that those around him may live
    When regardless of his position
    He never forgets the art of submission
    When in the face of adversity he stands
    But to his enemies he’s still willing to bestow a caring hand
    When nothing is able to quench his love
    That he may mirror the God in heaven above
    When he seeks after the truth of Christ divine
    For the fruit of a man’s growth, these are the signs

    Donald M. Clyde

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    • Donald, what an inspiring message! You have persevered through so much and I’m so proud of you!! Your growth is obvious and your ability to overcome fear is very admirable. Great work!!

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