  • ashleyg9393 shared a letter in the Group logo of Health, Wellness and Chronic ConditionsHealth, Wellness and Chronic Conditions group 1 months, 3 weeks ago


    I gave myself a goal and tried to meet it,
    And then I had roadblock.
    I had a desire and tried to feed it,
    But my hunger continued to rise.
    I’m uneasy because I’m stuck in an ambitious mind,
    However the same mind plays tricks on me.
    Who’s in charge up there?
    Are you mocking me?
    Do we not share the same goals?
    Fatigue of the body is stressful.
    Fatigue of the mind is crippling.
    I have both.
    Motivation is deep inside me,
    Oh how I love to feel passion spark a match.
    My dreamy eyes and eager intents equate
    to a child receiving five singles.
    I allow myself the space to breath,
    But the gap keeps getting wider and the breaths are uneven.
    When will I get up and go for it?
    How do I do that now?
    I’m so tired of the repetition,
    Get me out of this miserable routine.
    I’ll reset the goal and try to meet it.
    I’ll feed the desire again, and again,
    And again.
    Will I arrive at my destination?
    Good question. Let’s see.

    Ashley Graham

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    • You write so beautifully. I suffer from horrible anxiety and a few chronic illnesses and I feel this with every fiber in my being but could never put it in to words. Stunning.

      Write me back 

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