  • My Legacy

    Plenty of days
    In plenty of ways
    I never thought
    I had to live without
    The woman who birth me
    Continuously struggling
    With her absence
    Trying to put the pieces back together
    Rebuilding my life
    Without my mom
    To witness my success
    And the failures
    I had to overcome
    Without her keen talks
    To cheer me up
    Makes me feel sad and blue
    I yearn for her voice
    Her smile
    Her laugh
    Her presence
    That’s why I always tell people
    Cherish your mom
    ‘Cause losing her
    You can never get another
    Just memories to last forever
    Besides my Bae, family and close friends
    Being a source of inspiration
    My mom is honestly the driving force
    Behind my tenacity
    She taught me the importance of
    Hard work and dedication
    She was amazing at everything she did
    She got opportunities to live her life
    As she saw fit
    Much of her is in me
    I’m her twin
    Many can tell by just looking at me
    In life and in death
    My mom continues to show me
    I can do all that I set out to do
    No matter what I’m doing
    Or what I’m going through
    I take a moment or two
    To reflect:
    What will mommy do?
    What will mommy say?
    All the while reminding myself
    That she is 1 of the reasons
    That I am who I am
    I’m forever grateful
    For my Granny and Grandpa
    God rest their souls
    ‘Cause without them
    There will be no Margot
    So I’m forever thankful
    For her legacy
    Now it’s time to create mines
    Mama, I will make you proud‼️

    Tracy Barnes

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • I love your poem Tracy , this is award winning!!! Profound

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    • Tracy, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is one of the hardest things a person can go through, especially when they are as close as you were with your mom. While it can be so difficult to deal with, I love that you have come to terms with your loss, and decided that instead of dwelling on the past, you will improve yourself and continue to make your mother proud! She would be so happy that you are doing so well and creating your own legacy. Amazing work, I can’t wait to hear more of your work.

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