  • tenacitywolff submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At PeaceWrite A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    The Places I Feel Most at Peace

    The Places I Feel Most at Peace

    The Branchport Avenue Bridge, the sounds, the smell of the geese poop and the feel of the breeze is where I feel most at peace.
    At church, where I worship, where I pray, where I serve, where I believe. At church is where I feel most at peace.
    On the train going over the water, sitting and waiting for the next train to approach. The vibration and sounds of its purpose bring me to a place of ease. On the train is where I feel most at peace.
    Sitting at the beach watching the water flow, the sun hitting against my skin, the wind telling me that you are next to me. The beach is where I feel most at peace.
    Sitting by a campfire listening to its crackling, the smell of the smoke, the laughter of our loved ones. The memories of the old and the making of the new. In that moment I wish to sit and freeze. Sitting by a campfire is where I feel most at peace.
    Peace is within me so where I am I have the ability to feel at peace. Let stress release and embrace the moments and the places that you feel most at peace.

    By: Kelly Wolff

    Kelly Wolff

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    • This is truly inspiring, Kelly! People may feel peace while they are in certain places, however, the only way that they can experience true peace is if they have peace on the inside. My absolute favorite line of yours would be when you said “Peace is within me so where I am I have the ability to feel at peace” because it is so accurate!! You control yourself, and what you are feeling. Allowing peace in your body will allow peace in your life. Amazing poem and message!

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