  • Live without Guilt

    When you are young
    The main question is always 
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    With much hope and optimism 
    We strive to become
    Who we very much envisioned 
    Along the way 
    We may get knocked down
    Or disappointed 
    That’s why it is truly important 
    To stay in the present 
    Committing ourselves to deadlines 
    And timelines as to when we think
    We should have accomplished 
    Something in particular 
    Is pure suicide
    Leading one to be drained mentally 
    Grow up they say
    Become an adult they say
    But they never say live
    Live in the moment 
    Be present in your youth
    So that you can have a future 
    A future that you don’t have to recover from
    ‘Cause trauma is real
    Healing can be a journey 
    Never worry about the future 
    Though your future 
    Is in your hands 
    Never feel the need to be pressured 
    Into planning it all out at once
    Forgive yourself along the way
    No one is perfect 
    Give yourself credit
    For always doing your best
    No matter the outcome 
    Again, never worry
    Your future will be the story you tell 
    The way it is supposed to be
    Without feeling guilty!

    Tracy Barnes

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    • Reading this felt like a hug and a pep talk all at once! I love how your poem said everything it needed to say, plain, clear, and simple. It also flowed well and had a lot of great nuggets of wisdom! It’s a great reminder that while going through life, we shouldn’t forget actually to LIVE it! Thank you for sharing <3 Juvi

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    • Whew!! This was Amazing! This line “But they never say live
      Live in the moment. WOW!!! I’ve had to unlearn and relearn so much of what this means in adulthood. Like you said “Cause trauma is real!” working through this too and I felt so seen by your words so thank you!

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      • Thank you Tiffany: Life is all about living and learning; sometimes when we least expect it we gain much understanding and see our perspective through the eyes of someone else so glad you felt seen 🤗

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