  • Summer Storm

    A mellow breeze blows in through the window, and the candle flame sways and flickers.
    The falling rain sounds like quiet applause, occasionally growing louder and then softer again.
    Crickets and frogs sing together, celebrating the summer storm.
    A flash of lightning lights up the dark sky and briefly illuminates the branches of trees that dance to the playful wind.
    The low rumble of thunder sends gentle vibrations through the ground and a pleasant chill sends tingles through me from the top of my head to my toes.
    A breath of petrichor is an invitation to have peace.
    Here, I could remain.

    Cynthia M Moore

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    • Your use of imagery is excellent! You did a very detailed job of describing the scenery to me and I feel like I’m inside of the story rather than just reading it. I love how vivid this piece is! Also, thanks for teaching me a new word 😉

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