  • Hi Bumpy

    Hi Linda
    OK first things first…it is ok that you don’t feel like you fit in anywhere. You do not have to get married and have a family. Having a career and not getting married or having children is fine. I know you get mad whenever anyone says it, but it will be all right in the long term. You will have had one successful career and be in the middle of a second successful career by your fifties.

    It is all right, though you don’t believe me now, to be wired differently from other “girls” You will find your way and end up with many similarly minded friends who you have a good time with. Also, not everything is your fault, even if you did know, and might have stopped it, the other people involved in the activity SHARE the responsibility. You CAN NOT control the people around you or their choices, but you CAN control how you respond and if you continue to associate with them.

    I am not going to lie you will make a TON of mistakes but it’s ok, remember to learn the lesson instead of beating yourself for a mistake.

    Lastly, I want you to know that even if you aren’t “pretty enough” or “smart enough” or “good enough” you are in fact enough. You are by no stretch of the imagination much like your siblings and it will be fine. All of you will grow up and become closer as you each learn about what the other is good at and excels at doing.

    It will be bumpy, but you can get through it and I will be ahead of you to show you how.


    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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