  • Battled- Tested

    Fact: Trigeminal Neuralgia is a nerve condition that affects the face. The pain is so severe the person sinetinrs cannot eat or drink.(Cited from John Hopkins Medicine)

    Why you always frowning?

    That’s the question I get when I
    am out in public spaces
    The appearance of disdain
    Does not match your assumption in form of a question
    So let Me explain my position

    I met TN in 2015
    AKA Trigeminal Neuralgia but will preferred to be called the name that is well-known to us TN Warriors the Suicide Disease
    She leaves an aura of a profound phenomenon so dreadful
    As a result she reeks havoc in your life
    Dims your light, kills your strength, and leads to a path of toxic thoughts that is so dark

    I had a good face card
    Always smiling that drew others to my light
    Now these days the frown you see upon my face
    You would assume this my natural resting state
    But inside I am going through a turblent cycle of zaps
    So stong as lightening bolts
    Sending waves of painful shocks
    That it makes you consider for a second
    Is really worth living

    Toxic thoughts takes center stage when the pain goes on and on
    Your spirit wants give up in dispair
    But your soul feeds you strength and willpower to fight your most darkest thoughts
    Before experiencing this strange unique phonemional I was proud of my smile
    But after being on this journey
    I became proud of my strength

    I didn’t choose this experience it chose Me
    God saw that I was best fit for this war
    I wear the crown that is heavy, however I have blossomed into this beautiful courageous warrior

    So how is this experience profound?

    I stand as a bold surrivor
    Who has talked, walked, cried, released in constant sharps shooting pain that is never ending
    While still living my life out loud and still complete the daily responsibilities that I am tasked with
    I still show up with my soul smiling
    I proudly say to TN: You still didn’t win.

    Courtney Woods

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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